Lyndon Hood's Pics of the Weeks: August 2008
Lyndon Hood's Pics of the Weeks: August 2008
Scoop editorial images by Lyndon Hood, for stories from August 2008. For previous images see Pics of the Weeks: July 2008.

Argent Energy NZ - Argent Energy pulls plans for NZ Investment

Election 08 - Gordon Campbell on National’s economic vision

Statistics New Zealand - Employment growth continues

Scoop Full Coverage - National Conf + Secret Recordings

National - Labour wanted taxpayers to fund its campaign

Election 08 - Gordon Campbell on the ethics of taping politicians

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Election 08 - Campbell on National’s welfare policy, Tauranga and Georgia

Lyndon Hood - Lyndon Hood: Sanctions On Russia, Beneficiaries

National - National: Going for growth

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Election 08 - Gordon Campbell On Arts Funding Policy

NZ Govt - No damage to Skyhawks, sales process sped up

Election 08 - Gordon Campbell On The Yadegary Decision

New Zealand Police - Boobs on Bikes parade: Police Role Spelt Out

Lyndon Hood - Lyndon Hood: Satirists Urge Winston Not To Resign

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Election 08 - National’s Plans For Roads + Blogging + Biden

EPMU - Fairfax cuts a blow to democracy - EPMU

Election 08 - Gordon Campbell On the ETS And The Greens