Daily Voting News For October 2, 2008
Friday, 3 October 2008, 4:55 pm
Column: John Gideon
Daily Voting News For October 2,
Guest Blogged by John Gideon of VotersUnite.org
The latest testing results from Palm Beach Co Florida
seem to clearly point to problems with the voting machines.
It wasn’t the only problem the county had in the primary
but it seems to have been a large part of it.
(Friday) there will be a hearing in Washington DC to discuss
and take testimony about the failures in their primary
election. How did one precinct have over a thousand more
votes than they had voters? Again this seems to clearly be a
machine issue.
The tie that binds Palm Beach Co and
Washington DC together is that their voting machines were
all supplied by Sequoia Voting Systems. ...
National: States ready e-voting systems as
Election Day approaches
Many states switch to paper
ballots in continuing migration from touch-screen e-voting
machines LINK National: News
Release - The Rights of Students to Register and to Vote LINK National: Voting
groups release guidelines for e-voting checks LINK National:
Getting out the voter suppression
Heading Into November
with New Worries About Anti-Vote Tactics LINK
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National: Voting
goes to court
Registration lawsuits could shape election
LINK National: Voters
beware: Identity thieves using voting system to steal
voters' personal information LINK National:
Reports Show Widespread Confusion About The Voting Rights Of
People With Criminal Records LINK National:
Victory rests on using infantry, lawyers LINK National:
Electronic Voting Puts Votes at Risk LINK National: Making
Every Ballot Count: U.Va. Professor Reviews History of
Voting Machines LINK National:
Richard Hayes Phillips on VoteRescue Radio Friday, October
3, 6-8PM CST LINK California:
Nevada County - County has biggest percentage of mail-in
voters in state LINK Florida: Voters
to Florida Secretary of State Browning: No Match - No Vote
is Bad Enough, Don’t Make It Worse LINK Florida: General
election registration deadline Monday LINK Florida: Palm
Beach County - Partial recount yields same vote totals LINK Florida: Palm
Beach County's ballot-counting machines off by dozens in
tests LINK Florida: Lawyer
says Palm Beach County voting machines need repair LINK Georgia: Lincoln
County - Electors urged to check voter registration status
LINK Illinois: Judge
orders state to scrap ballot wording month before vote LINK Illinois: Judge:
Constitutional convention must be remedied before election
LINK Illinois: Judge
Orders Stop On Absentee Ballot Mailing LINK Indiana:
Hamilton County - County leasing extra voting machines for
Election Day LINK Minnesota:
Minneapolis OK for '09 instant-runoff , official says
But implementing the system, which lets voters rank
first and second choices, may require hand-counting and may
delay results. LINK Minnesota:
Ritchie speaks on voting LINK Montana:
Missoula voters my receive letter to re-register LINK Montana: State
GOP challenges eligibility of voters LINK Montana: State
GOP challenges eligibility of 6,000 voters LINK New Jersey:
Judge Suppresses Report on Voting Machine Security LINK Nevada: Miller
warns of voter 'confusion' LINK New York: Beware
I.D. theft scam on false voter signup LINK Ohio: Lawsuit
over Ohio Republican absentee-ballot applications thrown out
LINK Ohio: Editorial
- Election Day starts early LINK Ohio: Cuyahoga
County - Cuyahoga voters still can repair outdated addresses
on registrations LINK Pennsylvania:
Monroe County - NAACP plans lawsuit against elections board
over polling site LINK Virginia: On
voter registration, an uneasy consensus LINK Virginia:
Secretary of State issues voter fraud advisory LINK Virginia: Voters
To Use Optical Scanners
Fairfax Machines Have Paper
Trail LINK Virginia: Prince
William County - Local Voter Registration Jumps Ahead Of
County Getting 500 Applications a Day LINK Wisconsin: J.B.
Van Hollen's own voter registration may violate standard
he's suing to enforce LINK West Virginia:
Tennant, Minimah call for review of electronic voting booths
LINK Overseas
Voters: Overseas Vote Foundation Predicts Unprecedented
Overseas and Military Voter Participation - Presidential
Campaigns Join Overseas and Military Voter Outreach Effort
**"Daily Voting News" is meant as a comprehensive
listing of reports each day concerning issues related to
election and voting news around the country regardless of
quality or political slant. Therefore, items listed in
"Daily Voting News" may not reflect the opinions of VotersUnite.Org or Scoop.**
John Gideon
Co-Executive Director
"To encourage
citizen ownership of transparent, participatory
democracy." The Creekside Declaration March 22,
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