Daily Voting News For September 22, 2008
Tuesday, 23 September 2008, 1:16 pm
Column: John Gideon
Daily Voting News For September 22,
Guest Blogged by John Gideon of VotersUnite.org
Early voting has begun, as of today, in Georgia,
Kentucky, Virginia, and South Carolina.
doesn’t begin early voting until October 20 and it is
probably a good thing because the ballot is so long that the
voters guide is 144 pages long.
Palm Beach Co Florida
still has no final results to report. My guess? They will
end-up with the court deciding that this race go back on the
ballot and the voters will be asked to do it over again.
Last but certainly not least is the plea once more that
everyone who reads this check to ensure their voter
registration is still good and that every piece of
information is correct and up-to-date....
National: A third of electorate could vote
before Nov. 4 LINK National:
One-third of U.S. electorate can start voting Monday LINK National: Voter
Registration Database Errors Could Freeze Out Voters LINK National:
Activists Target Battleground States Subject to GOP Plans to
Challenge, Discourage Voters LINK
Advertisement - scroll to continue reading
National: RFK Jr
and Pap: "Is Your Vote Safe?" LINK National: Voter
Suppression 'Wiki' Created to Track New, Incoming GOP
Assaults on Democracy LINK Colorado: Be
prepared for the longest Colo. ballot since 1912 LINK Connecticut:
Audit finds scan voting system here ‘worked perfectly,’
registrars report LINK Florida: Florida
voting issues raise fears of 2000-like debacle LINK Florida: Palm
Beach County - No result in recount of disputed judge's race
LINK Florida: Palm
Beach County - Accurate ballot count in Palm Beach County
proves elusive
Three weeks after a judicial race went
before voters, discrepancies in the number of ballots cast
are still unresolved. LINK Florida: Palm
Beach County - Another Recount Still Without Winner In
Judicial Race
Elections Officials To Discuss Issue With
Maker Of Voting Machines LINK Georgia:
Absentee voting begins today
Voters encouraged to head
to polls early to beat expected crowds LINK Michigan:
Editorial - 2008 elections: Will history repeat itself? LINK Ohio: 'We Will
be Ready': An Exclusive Interview with Ohio Sec. of State
Jennifer Brunner LINK Ohio: Cuyahoga
County - Voting system remains untested LINK Ohio: Cuyahoga
County tests new voting equipment LINK Virginia:
Charlottesville - City might have to redo voting precincts
LINK Virginia:
Chesterfield County – Voting Right
Chesterfield Needs
Federal Supervision on Election Day LINK Virginia:
Chesterfield County - County Is Well-Prepared For a Heavy
Turnout LINK Wisconsin:
Absentee voting on the increase: Clerks working to keep up
**"Daily Voting News" is meant as a comprehensive
listing of reports each day concerning issues related to
election and voting news around the country regardless of
quality or political slant. Therefore, items listed in
"Daily Voting News" may not reflect the opinions of VotersUnite.Org or Scoop.**
John Gideon
Co-Executive Director
"To encourage
citizen ownership of transparent, participatory
democracy." The Creekside Declaration March 22,
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