Lies & Criminality About Justice Dept and Georgia
Lies and Criminality About Justice Department and Georgia -- "So?"
By Bernard Weiner,
The Crisis Papers
This is an essay about the consequences of lies and law-breaking emanating from the top levels of government. We'll get to Russia's Putin and Georgia's Saakashvili below. First:
How can you tell when the Busheviks in America are
telling lies or trying to
hide the truth? One could
resort to the old saw "When their lips are
moving," but
sometimes these guys inadvertently spill the beans.
Remember Bush's own accidental truth-bomb when he said
his role as president is to "catapult the propaganda"?
And often they just shove the truth in your face and dare you to respond.
For example: Attorney General Mukasey
last week said that no indictments
will be filed against
Department of Justice employees who, in violation of
0Athe law, used partisan political criteria for hiring
and firing. Mukasey
just came right out and said it:
"Not every...violation of the law is a
crime." (
That's an interesting interpretation of the law. When
YOU Democrats do it,
it's definitely a crime, to be
punished to the fullest extent of the law. But when WE
Republicans do it, even though it's against the law, since
we're the good guys, we'll just let the m
atter rest.
Other examples: If Bill
Clinton or John Edwards tells a lie about his secret
sexual trysts, we'll destroy those guys and make sure
they never serve in
public office again. True, John
McCain was having a sexual affair with a
younger woman,
his current wife Cindy, while his then-wife was battling
uterine cancer -- but, hey, he's OUR guy, that's old news,
no harm done, nothing to see here just move along, folks.
But all those are examples of lies that have mainly
personal consequences.
What about lies that have grave
ramifications? Well, the GOP has an answer to that as well.
If OUR guy, George W, tells lies and hundreds of thousands
of people are killed or maimed as a result -- our troops
along with "collateral-damage" Iraqi civilians -- it's no
big deal, get over it, mission accomplished, "victory"will
be coming along any day now.
That's how the hardliners in the CheneyBush administration proceed to do their dirty work: OK, you caught us out violating the law. What are you going to do about it? (And, by the way, we'll make sure never to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate our indiscretions -- never ever -- so suck on that)
The House
issues subpoenas to Administration officials to testify and
produce documents relevant to government business. The
officials, acting on orders
from the White House, refuse
to appear. A court, citing the separation of powers
established by the founders, backs the House and says
Administration officials are required by law to appear and
also must supply
the relevant documents. The officials
do neither. The House writes nasty
letters to them.
Eventually it cites them for contempt of Congress. And
that's the end of it. There is no move made to have
those law-breakers
arrested, charged and tried.
Taking a leaf from Dick
Cheney (who responded with "so?" when reminded
that the
American public has been overwhelming opposed to his
Iraq war-policy for several20years now), the
Administration's response to public anger about the
Executive refusing to obey lawful congressional subpoenas
is: "So? Whatcha gonna do about it?"
Since the Democrats wimp out and do nothing that could make any difference, the upshot of this kind of behavior is that the corrupt, power-hungry officials in the CheneyBush Administration feel free to do whatever they want whenever they want because they know they will suffer no political or legal consequences for so doing.
The one constitutional remedy
available to the Legislative branch when the
branch goes out of control like this, impeachment,
been ruled "off the table" by the Democratic leadership,
thus further enabling the unconstit
utional, run-amok
behavior of the CheneyBush Administration.
Speaker of the House
Nancy Pelosi, who issued the "off the table" dictum
prior to the 2006 balloting -- presumably so as not to
scare off potential
moderate voters in that midterm
election -- now has come up with more
excuses not to impeach. Basically, what this rationale
suggests is that:
1. It simply doesn't make sense to enter into such a time- and energy-draining enterprise as impeachment this late in the game. Obvious reply: Impeachment could have been initiated two years ago, if Democrats had been willing to OK a preliminary House hearing on the Administration's alleged violations of the Constitution. But at the very least, beginning impeachment hearings now would alert future presidents that they will be held accountable if they ever overstep their legitimate authority. By doing nothing, all presidents now have a green light to violate the Constitution whenever they so choose. This is a dagger in the heart of democratic, constitutional government
2. Pelosi now says she'd consider holding
impeachment hearings if anyone can show her compelling
evidence of crimes committed by Cheney and Bush. Apparently,
Pelosi didn't catch the Democratic primary debates, where
the issue of impeachment was broached by Dennis Kucinich and
Joe Biden. And it would seem that poor=2
0Ms. Pelosi
didn't acquaint herself with Kucinich's list of 35
impeachable offenses committed. Maybe she simply doesn't
read newspapers, or watch television or know how to use the
Google on the internet tubes.
But wait. A third explanation presents itself: That on the most important issues that might make Cheney and Bush liable for impeachment and/or criminal prosecution, key Democrats, including Pelosi, were and are complicit: authorizing the Iraq war and occupation (and continuing to fund it off the books, as it were), acquiesing to Bush's warrantless spying on and amassing data about millions of Americans, approving of retroactive immunity for the giant telecom corporations that broke the domestic-spying laws, etc e tc.
In other
words, to accuse the White House of immoral, illegal and
unconstitutional behavior would be to focus attention on
their own similar
lapses and potential criminal acts.
Hence, the Congressional Democrats make sure not to look too
hard into Administration misbehavior.
There's no way one can even begin to
provide a shorthand version of the
Georgia/Russia clash.
If anyone tries to tell you that one side is the
and the other a monster, don't you believe them. Everyone is
deceiving, acting on their own power agenda,
attempting to use history to rationalize their actions.
There are no simple black hat/whit
e hat situations in
the Caucasus. This is one of those infinitely tangled
Eastern European social/political/economic webs where
everyone is to blame for the death and dying and social
And that includes the U.S., which has
supported and encouraged Georgia to
bash the nose of
their neighboring Russian bear. Saakashvili may have chosen
to believe that Bush Administration had encouraged Georgia
to attack the ethnic-Russian region of South Ossieta. (Oh,
by the by, did I mention -- surprise! -- that there
are huge oil reserves in the Caspian basin, and a vital
pipeline across Georgia?)
To McCain and his neo-con
supporters, itching to re turn to the oh-so-simple
proscriptions of the Cold War era, last week's events
are as plain as plain can be: With no provocation, Russia
invaded a sovereign state, peace-loving Georgia, and
occupied the country in order to foment "regime change."
(The hypocrisy of Bush leveling these charges at Russia with
a straight face, given his behavior in Iraq, is almost
laughable, especially this line: "Bullying and intimidation
are not acceptable ways to conduct foreign policy in the
21st century.")
Therefore, according to McCain and Bush
-- and, to a certain extent, Obama as well -- Russia needs
to be confronted for its perfidy in invading
which just happens to be a firm ally of Bush's U.S. of A.
(Oh, by
the way, McC
ain's top foreign-policy
advisor, Randy Scheunemann, up until a few months ago worked
as a high-priced lobbyist for the Georgian government, and
remains the president of the lobbying firm that continues to
pick up contracts for pushing Georgia's point of view inside
the White House.)
McCain, who never met a situation that shouldn't be
handled with a show of
strength and violence, is
displaying his true militarist colors: shoot first
ask questions later. Show strength, act with muscularity, go
to war if
the other guys don't back down.
McCain, as usual, shoots from the lip.20In this, he is dangerous and reckless and, it would seem, increasingly out of his guord. But that's the man who could be President in six months, making Bush and Cheney seem almost reasonable by comparison.
It seems clear that McCain and his neo-con backers feel most comfortable and energized when there's a military confrontation going on. McCain got stuck in the "must-not-give-in-must-show-strength" mode when he was a POW in North Vietnam, and he's still caught up in that groove, even when current situations call for other approaches.
And, after watching Barack Obama behaving "presidential"
on his recent world tour -- meeting with foreign leaders,
mingling with U.S. troops, flying around Iraq in a
helicopter with General Petraeus, addressing 0D
of thousands of admirers in Germany, etc. -- McCain felt
insulted, diminished, unable to respond in kind. He was
reduced to visiting a German sausage restaurant in
So, offerred the gift of an ongoing war in
Georgia, McCain decided now it
was his turn to act
"presidential" in the foreign-policy field. So he dispatched
his envoys (Lieberman and Graham) to Georgia on a
"fact-finding" mission -- which, if they engage in any kind
of negotiations with the parties there, would be a serious
violation of the Logan Act, which states that only the
Executive branch is authorized to do so. McCain, backed up
by the neo-con chorus behind him, is calling, in esse nce,
for a return to the Cold War against "evil" Russia. He and
Rice and Bush are threatening NATO action against Russia.
As I write this, a ceasefire of sorts has been worked out by the French, even though the Russians are continuing to destroy Georgian military capabilities as they oh-so-slowy depart and/or redeploy to South Ossieta. (The French, who have street-cred in Europe, were able to arrange the ceasefire, whereas America under CheneyBush has lost all credibility and moral stature there, and elsewhere around the globe.)
Initially, McCaine's overheated rhetoric was too much for
the Administration CheneyBush preferred, at first, to tone
down the bellicose verbia
ge and tried to cajole and
diplomatically lean on the actual Russian leader, Putin, to
alter his policies in Georgia. But CheneyBush, with few if
any creative foreign policy design of their own, soon
adopted the McCain line and spoke of moving U.S. troops into
the key ports and cities of Georgia -- for "delivery of
humanitarian aid." This is throwing gasoline on a smoldering
fire, dangerous and reckless as can be. Defense Secretary
Robert Gates had to come out in public and make clear that
the U.S. would take no untoward action.
Now, Bush and Rice and McCain are threatening to send NATO forces to the area, which potentially could ignite a military response from Russia. And the Americans are tightening thei r influence over the Ukraine and other ex-Soviet satellite states, by promising them entry into NATO as they sign on to the CheneyBush missile-defense system in Europe.
It never
fails: The U.S., anxious to police the world and control
regions' natural resources, moves into ongoing
conflicts outside its
geographical zone of influence and
knowledge (Vietnam, Iraq, Georgia, etc.), doesn't understand
the complex local politics and thus gets sucked into age-old
conflicts between warring tribes and factions, and endlessly
repeats the quagmire syndrome: wrong war, wrong place, wrong
McCain, CheneyBush and their neo-con backers are
lighting matches in the explosive situation=2
Georgia, and elsewhere in Europe (now Russia says it will
target its missiles at U.S ally Poland, since that country
has signed on to Bush's missile-defense system), and thus
are risking a renewed Cold War, and maybe even a hot one,
with Russia.
Nobody in their right mind would want to do that. Unless, like McCain and his neo-con backers, you thrive on war and chaos. #
Bernard Weiner, Ph.D. in government & international relations, has taught at universities in California and Washington, worked as a writer/editor with the San Francisco Chronicle for two decades, and currently serves as co-editor of The Crisis Papers ( To comment: .
First published by The Crisis Papers and Democratic Underground 8/19/08.
Copyright 2008 by Bernard Weiner.