Zahir Ebrahim: A Call to ACT!
A Call to ACT!
Zahir Ebrahim
Project Humanbeingsfirst
July 01, 2008.
© Project HumanbeingsfirstTM. Permission granted to use freely as per copyright notice.
To Dear ACTers of Conscience,
[An earlier version of this letter emailed to a few people on Tue, Jul 1, 2008 at 1:34 PM.]
I am convinced that additional writings (and readings) alone are now meaningless going forward. There needs to be ACTs to match. The reason for this conviction stems not just from the truism succinctly observed by Bertrand Russell “Many people would sooner die than think. In fact they do”, but also from the empirical evidence of the past 7 years where that bit of truism has been lent universal credence in spades even for those who do tend to think! Thus writing more wonderful prose and analysis while useful for self-catharsis, is plain meaningless for efficacy when all those who do read and write these things already well understand the overall problems – as noted in this excellent motivational essay by Les Visible where he observes: “We don't have guns. We don't have banks. We don't have storm-troopers and we don't have a powerful media. What we have is our convictions, our courage and our potential. We've done a lot of research and we've done a lot of talking and writing. What we have not done is taken the next step toward calculated revolution. A revolution always begins with ideas and ideals. These power the willing and cause the ranks to swell. Sometimes, often… the revolution becomes subverted and when the tables are turned the same people are still sitting there. This is simplistic but most of you have a grasp of the minutiae and some sense of history; real history.”
This morning's disturbing news at AFP on the imminent financial meltdown is hardly a surprise to any of the readers who will peruse it (none of the others, the vast majority, whom it will impact drastically, will ever know of it, let alone be prepared for it until after the crash starts).
Yet what has anyone actually done to prevent any of it other than write more about describing it? Most of us have known about this trend for at least several years now, and speaking for myself, at least since the moment I heard about the SPP for NU and the introduction of Amerios to replace the dollar which would need a drastic “revolutionary times” to seed it into reality! Thus, I send all of you like minded souls this humble note in the hope, or expectations, that perhaps like minded peoples can band together in ACTs, just as much as many of us seem to be converging on the same page in thoughts and analysis and prolific writings. Having a megaphone in hand – which is what writings have become – is like shouting in the Hyde Park in the speakers corner, effectively! And as GG observes in my email exchange with him below, it's great for letting off steam, and nothing more. I have already explained “manufactured dissent” at length that GG refers to. While I don't believe any of us are part of this devilish "manufacturing" industry, in effect, our humble efforts todate are semantically equivalent – i.e., zero efficacy! So how to change that?
First off, as the real vanguard of dissent, let us stop chasing meaningless pursuits which do not change the outcome.
And this includes nonsense like impeachment which is needlessly taking up the energies and focus of so many good peoples!
There are two specific suggestions of ACTs for uniting us in focus: one of immediacy that can prevent the crossing of the nuclear Rubicon as noted in this urgent Press Release; and one of regaining a better handle domestically for a time, as in pushing for a "Referendum Model" shown in this Analysis. Perhaps the financial experts who are deserving of the salutation “Dear ACTers of Conscience” can suggest other immediate ACTs to temporarily forestall the financial crash with some bandaids immediately. Bandaids with urgency is the need of the hour because I think, the other two war-defeating ACTs noted above have a higher coefficient over time, and will make this imminent financial collapse a moot point and delay it considerably if it can be averted now, thus lending more time for people who do understand these things to attack the real source of the systemic financial problems at its very roots – the privatization of money and the power of private unaccountable-to-the-public central banks to devilishly mold a nation's destiny!
What has taken years to architect and construct cannot be undone with a bandaid obviously, nor short of a revolution. But it buys the necessary time to save the bleeding patient so that its systemic cancer can be worked on. A burning house is both a destruction, and an opportunity for new construction – for as the wise buccaneer in “Gone with the Wind” observed (if memory serves well): “fortunes are made during the rise and fall of empires”. So why should only the bad guys raise their preferred phoenix from its ashes? Where are the good guys? And the good guys need construction crews – ACTers – to harness these “revolutionary times”. Not mere architects and talkers! Thus, perhaps Richard Cook, who is once again this morning predicting “The End of the Anglo-American Empire?” on Globalresearch, as an expert in the financial domain, can suggest ACTs which we can consider for immediately mobilizing more ACTers on the financial front, rather than just write more books upon books, and more essays upon essays predicting the doom!
And rationally, when we all clearly understand that US/Israel are ready to attack Iran at any moment with any and all pretexts, than the only thing which can effectively prevent it – the full spectrum alliance to re-usher in the “balance of terror” – is also the only rational course of immediate ACTION and advocacy that must be pursued by all in the vanguard of dissent!
Thus, as a productive engineer given to architecting and shipping useful products during my time in corporate America, let's ship the product of actually “derailing imperial mobilization” rather than merely talking about it. We have talked enough! Or as I might have said it to my implementation teams (or vice versa) as an eager systems architect in the computer industry in my youthful days of less talk and more action (for that is where the glory and the prizes were): we have architected enough, let's build and ship what we have!
Those of you with access to “soap boxes” can perhaps promulgate this advocacy to ACT in the singularly focussed direction humbly noted here.
And when I suggest ACT, I mean not in our respective personal self-defense like buying up silver and gold, and hoarding foodstocks, and arming with klashnikovs to protect it all, as some are inclined to do as their personal choice of self-preservation – for I personally intend to sink or swim with the rest of the plebeians, whether in America in the “hospitality suites” being lavishly prepared for foreigners and those of Muslim descent, or as the honorable recipient of the West's munificent largess of population reduction to South Asia – but ACT in collective self-defense against the hectoring hegemons just as the Founding Fathers of this nation once did! They traded in their temporary personal security for the essential liberty of all! Of the 56 signers of the Declaration of Independence of this once great experiment in history, a majority experienced a pathetic end. Otherwise, we are, a mere hypocritical sham, no different from any other self-serving elitists who wax lyrics with the minnows and swim with the sharks!
Thank you.
Zahir Ebrahim,
The author, an ordinary researcher and writer on contemporary geopolitics, a minor justice activist, grew up in Pakistan, studied EECS at MIT, engineered for a while in high-tech Silicon Valley (patents here), and retired early to pursue other responsible interests. His maiden 2003 book was rejected by six publishers and can be read on the web at He may be reached at Verbatim reproduction license at