95bFM: The Wednesday Wire with Paul Deady 11/06/08

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1220 – Petrol, AA Mike Noon
We start the show today with a look at petrol. It's
quite expensive now isn't it? We're all feeling the pinch at
the pump, but surprisingly, according to the Ministry for
economic development, petrol sales are still rising!
Regardless, economic commentators say prices will keep
rising for the foreseeable future. Bummer.
At 1220 the head of the AA Mike Noon will be on the line to talk about the grand scheme. A lot of people, including leaders from the G8 like China, Japan, India and the US, are saying it's a supply problem and have called in OPEC, who give us almost half of all the world's crude oil, to turn the taps up a bit. But then oil companies here say it's all about the weakening dollar and speculation trading in Singapore. I imagine somewhere betwixt the 2 lies the truth...
– Jim Anderton on UN Food Summit
At 1245 I'll be
talking to our Agriculture Minister Jim Anderton about the
recent UN food summit held in Rome. He lead the NZ
delegation to the summit which has copped a fair amount of
flak for failing to produce any concrete steps to alleviate
the food crisis. The summits final statement was wishy-washy
at best, and many say the delegates attending failed to see
the big picture and instead bickered over their own
political priorities. I'll be asking Mr Anderton if he
thinks the summit was a success.
1300 – Matthew
Bristow, Colombia
At one o'clock I'll be speaking
with a man named Matthew Bristow, all the way from Bogota,
Colombia. He's a British journalist working there, and runs
the blog colombia-reports. We'll be talking about Venezuelan
president Hugo Chavez's recent about face on the Colombian
guerrilla revolutionary group FARC, or the Revolutionary
Armed Forces of Colombia. Up until Saturday he's been a
staunch supporter of FARC, but now says armed revolution in
Latin America is over, and has called on FARC to release its
750 hostages and negotiate peacefully. Matthew will give us
some background to the group and their struggle with the
Colombian government, and tell us whether Chavez new
position has changed, or will change, the situation inside
the country
1320 – Counterclockwise
Kevin List
joins us from scoop's Wellington bureau for today's
counterclockwise. He went to Michael Bassett's book launch
and will report on how it was receieved, and he may venture
an opinion on Waitakare mayor Bob Harvey's suggestion that
the capital of NZ be moved to Auckland.
1340 – John
Payne, President of the NZ Institute of Dog Control Officers
Then to finish the show, we'll be talking dogs. Bad
dogs. The government is currently putting together the Dog
Control Amendment Bill which will ban certain breeds of dog
from being brought into the country, force other breeds to
be neutered, and others to be muzzled in public. This
follows 2 vicious attacks in the last week. I'll be talking
to (above) about his thoughts on law change, as well as the
ins-and-outs of people in his profession.