95bFM: The Tuesday Wire with Kim Choe 27/5/08

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27th May 2008
12:00 bNews,
Weather and Surf with Will
Xenophobia in South Africa
Violence against
foreigners in South Africa came to a head two weeks ago, and
since then has resulted in nearly 60 deaths and the
displacement of over 30,000 people from their homes Albert
Venter, Professor of Politics at the University of
Johannesburg, talks about the economic situation that has
fuelled the xenophobia, and whether the government's
response has been adequate.
Music for the People
One of New Zealand's most
enthusiastic proponents of traditional music, Moana
Maniapoto joins Kim to talk about her prolific international
career. We'll find out what the climate is like for Maori
music, and how her band Moana and the Tribe ended up being
invited to perform at a United Nations conference in Germany
this week.
1:20 Archaeological
Intrepid archaeologist James Robinson
struck gold on Tawhiti Rahi Island, uncovering remains of a
pre-European Maori settlement dating back to 1823. What did
he find there, and what can it tell us about early Maori
1:40 The Green Desk
– Introducing The Green Desk Garden!
The Tuesday
Wire is pleased to announce the birth of The Green Desk
Garden – to prove we can practise what we preach!
Award-winning landscape designer and garden writer Paul
Thompson is going to be tending our plot at Piha. Today he
will guide us through the basics of setting up a veggie
plot, and talk about what to plant heading into