PM's Post Cabinet Presser - Monday, 19 May 2008

Published: Tue 20 May 2008 08:42 AM
Scoop Video + Audio: PM's Post Cabinet Presser - Monday, 19 May 2008
The Prime Minister with a quiet Minister of Immigration Clayton Cosgrove
Video on Demand: The Prime Minister was able to deflect initial media attention away from bad polls for her Government and onto the recent disasters at the New Zealand Immigration Service. Joining the Prime Minister at today's post cabinet press conference was Minister of Immigration Clayton Cosgrove who apparently had been telling the Prime Minister that what was needed was fresh pair of eyes to have a look at the Immigration Service.
The Prime Minister was in agreement and now the Auditor-General will be free to rove around and look at recent scandals and anything that takes his fancy. The Prime Minister also was willing to discuss the disgraced former head of the Immigration Service making it fairly plain that , in her opinion at least, Ms Mary Anne Thompson had been pulling a swifty by claiming she had a doctorate.
The Prime Minister also briefly touched upon a disastrous Fairfax poll which had labour nearly thirty points behind National.
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Scoop Audio:
Audio on Demand: The Prime Minister was able to deflect initial media attention away from bad polls for her Government and onto the recent disasters at the New Zealand Immigration Service.
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Joining the Prime Minister at today's post cabinet press conference was Minister of Immigration Clayton Cosgrove who apparently had been telling the Prime Minister that what was needed was fresh pair of eyes to have a look at the Immigration Service.
The Prime Minister was in agreement and now the Auditor-General will be free to rove around and look at recent scandals and anything that takes his fancy. The Prime Minister also was willing to discuss the disgraced former head of the Immigration Service making it fairly plain that , in her opinion at least, Ms Mary Anne Thompson had been pulling a swifty by claiming she had a doctorate.
The Prime Minister also briefly touched upon a disastrous Fairfax poll which had labour nearly thirty points behind National.
Audio begins during question and answer session.

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