PM's Post Cabinet Presser - Monday, 28 April 2008

Published: Tue 29 Apr 2008 10:57 AM
Scoop Video + Audio: PM's Post Cabinet Presser - Monday, 28 April 2008

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Prime Minister Helen Clark at her 28 April Press Conference
Video on Demand of NZ Prime Minister Helen Clark's post Cabinet press conference for Parliamentary press gallery journalists held Monday afternoon. After the cabinet readout the PM declined to go into detail on measure to alleviate economic strain on New Zealanders, describing it as a budget matter. She did however explain her opposition to the lifting of GST on food and indicated Peter Dunne's income-splitting proposal was only likely to succeed as a result of possible future coalition deals.
She also differentiated the sale of Vector Energy's assets from the Auckland Airport deal and discussed the enigma that is new State Services Commissioner Iain Rennie.
This Web-Cast is Courtesy of
Also: Quicktime Version

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Scoop Audio: Audio on Demand of NZ Prime Minister Helen Clark's post Cabinet press conference for Parliamentary press gallery journalists held this afternoon. After the cabinet readout the PM declined to go into detail on measure to alleviate economic strain on New Zealanders, describing it as a budget matter. She did however explain her opposition to the lifting of GST on food and indicated Peter Dunne's income-splitting proposal was only likely to succeed as a result of possible future coalition deals.
She also differentiated the sale of Vector Energy's assets from the Auckland Airport deal and discussed the enigma that is new State Services Commissioner Iain Rennie.
Press Play To Start Audio Playing….
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