Mr Obama Lights a Fire in a Hole in the Ground
Mr Obama Lights a Fire in a Hole in the
Washday at the PA Constitution
If I never felt like donating to
anybody’s campaign before, I’ve certainly been tempted
to contribute to Obama’s this past couple of weeks, out of
sheer disgust with his rival. When will Rice Pudding realize
the folly of putting Cinnamon Stick through
the grinder in order to make herself seem more
There are bigger things at stake than the presidency. As Willie the Shake once said:
There is a tide in the affairs of men,
Which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune;
Omitted, all the voyage of their life
Is bound in shallows and in miseries.
Substitute “nations” for “men” and you have a sense of why Senator Obama’s appeal is so strong, particularly now that the economic news reminds everyone that they’re “bound in shallows and in miseries.” Some in this nation have been feeling bound a lot longer than others, and amongst themselves they shout out about it. What’s the big surprise?
Amazingly, CBS has consistently bleeped out one of the Reverend Jeremiah Wright’s words when broadcasting the YouTube video in its news segments. I thought he must have said “God f*** America” and was truly shocked. Then I saw the clip unbleeped in another news bulletin and the expletive was “damn”. And Wright went on to say, Because that’s what it says in the Bible: people who kill will suffer damnation. So, what’s good enough for God isn’t good enough for CBS?
Anyway, Obama’s speech today—snippets plus commentary—got the first 15 minutes of the CBS network evening news, the last 20 minutes of the NewsHour with Jim Lehrer on PBS, and the first 10 minutes of the ABC network news. Plus, it was taken live this morning by at least one local Bay Area station, though not in its entirety. For that you have to go to the Internet. And Scoop, of course, has the full text of the speech here.
It’s high time for the United States to have this discussion--to bring out all the dirty laundry, give it a thorough scrub, and air it out in the open. And there’s no one I’d trust to pin the discussion down tight enough to withstand the inevitable gale-force winds that will blow than Barack Obama. He’ll stick with it, no matter if it costs him the nomination or the presidency.
Kia kaha, e hoa!