Scoop Audio + Photos + Video: PM's Post Cabinet Presser Monday, 17 March 2008
Alastair Thompson

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The Prime Minister at her post-cabinet press conference 17 March 2008
- Scoop Video: Video on Demand of NZ Prime Minister, Helen Clark's post Cabinet press conference for Parliamentary press gallery journalists held this afternoon. The cabinet readout was followed by Q&A on a wide ranging variety of subjects including protest violence in Tibet and NZ's Free Trade Agreement negotiations with China and Air New Zealand's wage rates to Chinese employees.
- Scoop Audio: Audio on Demand of NZ Prime Minister, Helen Clark's post Cabinet press conference for Parliamentary press gallery journalists held this afternoon. The cabinet readout was followed by Q&A on a wide ranging variety of subjects including protest violence in Tibet and NZ's Free Trade Agreement negotiations with China and Air New Zealand's wage rates to Chinese employees.

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The Prime Minister at her post-cabinet press conference 17 March 2008

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The Prime Minister at her post-cabinet press conference 17 March 2008