Evidence of US Involvement with Crashed Coke Jet
Conroy: New Document Lends Further Evidence of US Involvement with Crashed Cocaine Jet
December 3, 2007
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Dear Colleague:
Don't miss the latest report from Bill Conroy on his continuing investigation of the cocaine-filled plane that crashed in the Yucatan peninsula two months ago, and its alleged links to U.S. law enforcement and security agencies.
It had been widely reported that the CIA used the same plane to transport prisoners to Guantanamo bay. But Conroy was also able to establish that one of the names on the plane's bill of sale also showed up among the figures in U.S. government antidrug operations in Colombia years earlier. Were the two men the same person?
Conroy reports:
"The Smith who Vega claims served as his pilot in his work for the U.S. government is listed as an officer of a Ft. Lauderdale-based company called Aero Group Jets Inc. (Court records obtained by Narco News also support Vega's contention that this company provided a jet to assist Vega's work with the U.S. government between 1997 and 2000.)
"O'Connor and Smith's companies — including Smith's Aero Group Jets — are now inactive or no longer in business, according to state of Florida records.
"However, the corporation records for Aero Group Jets do include Smith's signature — from a 1998 annual report filing… The bill of sale provided to Narco News by Donna Blue's Malago also includes the signature of an individual named Smith.
"In comparing the two signatures, there are some differences, such as one is signed as Gregory D. while the other is signed simply as Greg, with no middle initial. However, there are some striking similarities as well, including the fact that some of the letters appear to be penned in precisely the same way."
Read the full report, with scanned copies of all the documents involved, here:
From somewhere in a country called América,
The Narco News Bulletin