Scoop Full Coverage: Election Finance Bill
Tuesday, 20 November 2007, 10:01 am
Article: Scoop Full Coverage
Scoop Full Coverage: Election Finance Bill
No Right Turn - Election Funding Bill
The Justice and Electoral committee has finally reported back on the Electoral Finance Bill, and recommended that it be passed. However, the bill has been substantially amended, and generally in a positive way. The two most important changes - and the ones that completely take the ground out from under those arguing against the bill - are the removal of the "taking a position" clause from the definition of electoral advertising, and the removal of the onerous statutory declaration system for third parties. More >>
National Party - Another coat of whitewash applied to election bill Family Party - Electoral Finance Bill, A Blatant Jack-up PSA - PSA Pleased With Changes to Electoral Finance Bill Libertarianz - Libz "Staggered" At Worse Electoral Finance BillEPMU - Electoral Finance Bill will bring better democracy NoMoreRates.Com - Elecoral Finance Bill Still A Threat To DemocracyUnitedFuture will support revised EFBACT - EFB's Abhorrent Principles UntouchedGreens - victory on free speech & fairer electionsNational - Democracy still at risk in control freak billNZ Govt - Select committee process improves legislationHuman Rights Commission - Statement on the Electoral Finance BillCoalition for Open Government - Coalition welcomes revised Electoral Finance BillDavid Farrar - Electoral Finance Bill Now WorseInstitute of Chartered Accountants - ICA: Dump the Electoral Finance BillGreenpeace - Greenpeace response to Election Finance BillDavid Thornton - Electoral Bill is a direct attack on lobby groupsEPMU - Electoral Finance Bill will bring better democracyElectoral Finance Bill, A Blatant Jack-upPSA Pleased With Changes to Electoral Finance BillLibz "Staggered" At Worse Electoral Finance Bill
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