Images: Welly Turns Out In a Riot of Red for Burma

Published: Sun 7 Oct 2007 05:47 PM
Welly Turns Out In a Riot of Red for Burma
Words and Images Kevin List

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Yadana Saw, the MC for the Wellington peace vigil, leads a crowd of hundreds in Wellington's Civic Square in a final chant
Events took place in every major city in the world at 12 noon on Saturday 6th October, as part of the 'Global day of action for Burma'. In Wellington as well as a very colourful turnout from the local Burmese community there were speeches from local Labour MP Marian Hobbs, Green MP Sue Kedgley, Ced Simpson from Amnesty International and Ross Wilson from the NZCTU. The event was co-ordinated by Yadana Saw (below) a member of Wellington's Burmese community.

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The crowd was also treated to a few kiwi classics put through the musical wringer in a harmonious way by Wellington's Ukelele orchestra. Attendees to the vigil were able to listen to a message of support for the Burmese people sent via blackberry from the Prime Minister. Fans of kiwi comedy and human rights would have been pleased to know that the Director and stars of 'Eagle Vs Shark' were willing to express their support for the beleagured Burmese monks
The local Burmese community turn out in a riot of red

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Talented Kiwi film makers/comedians Jermaine Clement and Taika Waitaiti lend their support to the Burmese monks – there was also a Ukelele orchestra in attendance

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Wellington central Labour MP Marian Hobbs and Green MP Sue Kedgley both gave speeches
The actions of the Generals in Burma made Wellington residents see red

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