The BFM Wire With Paul Deady

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12:20 This morning,
the Dominion Post quoted the president of the Police
Association, Greg O'Connor, as saying LA style Polynesian
gangs are the single biggest threat to NZ society. What's
more, he went on to say people should realistically have a
fear of this crime. Sure, they're dangerous and their
numbers are swelling – but aren't they a symptom of even
BIGGER threats to NZ society? Greg will be on the line at
twenty past 12 to explain what he hopes to achieve with his
*1240 – Ryan Heron, Earthrace cameraman*
The biofuel-powered boat industry is abuzz with news that Richard Branson may be stepping on board (so to speak) with another attempt by NZ boat Earthrace to break the record for circumnavigating the globe. Their first attempt sounded like an absolute nightmare: broken boat bits all over the place, a fatal collision with a Guatemalan fishing boat, and the subsequent 10-day investigation of the crew. So I'll be asking Ryan Heron at 1240, who was the cameraman on the ill-fated first try, why anyone would want to go through that again?
*1300 – Dr. Nick Begich*
This week in Rotorua, a group called UFOCUS NZ held the Future Perspectives conference drawing speakers from around NZ and the world to discuss what's going on in the sky. On of the guests was Dr Nick Begich, an expert on technology by the name of HAARP, which he says the US military is developing in a clandestine manner. Basically it involves turning the air into a giant microwave and the military ramifications are terrifying. I had the pleasure of speaking with Nick this morning and I'll play that interview around one o'clock.
*1320 – Counterclockwise*
Counterclockwise at twenty past one today with Selwyn Manning from scoop. Today, we're going to have a look at Labour's new foreign and policies. Sorry, *National's *new policies, forgive my confusion.
*1340 – Book She Read, with Sally *
And to finish the show, a new feature. YAY, new features! The long awaited return of a book segment on the Wire today with Book She Read. Sally, whose reviews grace the pages of Real Groove magazine, and whose labour graces the shelves of Unity book shop, will be in the studio to review a book she deems worthwhile, and discuss any developing news of the literary persuasion.
From the desk of Radio 95bfm