Sport And Politics Make Toxic Mix For O'Connor

Published: Mon 10 Sep 2007 06:44 PM
PM's Presser: Sport And Politics Make Toxic Mix For O'Connor
Will a game of rugger cost Corrections Minister Damien O'Connor his ministerial portfolios – Photo by Kevin List - digital manipulation by Lyndon Hood
The Prime Minister faced many a question this afternoon at a short and snappy post-cabinet media conference regarding the fate of Corrections Minister Damien O'Connor.
Mr O'Connor is a hugely enthusiastic member of the parliamentary rugby team – a team that has included such legendary rugby players as Trevor Mallard, John Tamihere and John Carter. The team is however not made up entirely of honourable members, occasionally having to dip into the ranks of parliamentary workers the occasional public servant and even journalists (in recent years TV3's former political editor Stephen Parker has made many a valuable contribution).
One member of the recent parliamentary rugby team is a Corrections staff member who is currently stood down from Rimutaka Prison. This staff member Jim Morgan travelled with the parliamentary rugby team to France. National leader John Key Helen Clark considers the Prime Minister should sack Mr O'Connor
"Mr O'Connor has shown unbelievable stupidity by including in the parliamentary rugby team tour the partner of his senior private secretary who has been suspended from Rimutaka Prison under a cloud," said Mr Key in a press release.
Bonded together by the parliamentary rugby team but foes off the field Labour Cabinet Minister Damien O Connor and National's Murray McCully – Image taken prior to the NZ parliamentary rugby team playing a visiting UK team in 2005
This afternoon it was put to the Prime Minister by a Fairfax journalist that National's foreign Affairs spokesperson Murray McCully was actually the selector of the team, a long time team member and also a friend of the suspended Corrections staff member, Mr Morgan.
"If Mr McCully is a friend of Mr Morgan's then one would assume that he knew that Mr Morgan was suspended from his job at Rimutaka prison. If that was the case and I can't verify for you that it is then it is probably a bit cute for the National Party to carry on the way that it is," was the Prime Minister's take on being given these as yet unsubstantiated rumours.

The Prime Minister has said that Mr O'Connor's position as Corrections Minister would be dealt with at an upcoming cabinet re-shuffle. It appears unlikely Mr O'Connor will leave this role sooner with the Prime Minister pointing out to the media that continuing to be Corrections Minister till any potential re-shuffle was probably a "punishment" in itself.
As well as the heady brew of sport and politics the Prime Minister also found time to take a number of APEC related questions.
Listen to the Prime Minister's press conference

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