Top Scoop Stories - 10 September 2007 News Summary

Published: Mon 10 Sep 2007 02:01 PM
Today's Top Scoops - September 10, 2007
Politics: Footy Game Potentially Costly For O'Connor
Drug Policy: No Need For Mr Ted When Toddlers Dosed On Prozac
Mental Health: Suicide A Global Problem
Military: Soldier Commended for Suicide Bomb Reaction
Defence: Top Brass Respond To Unimog Accident Report
Links: Clark Addresses NZ-US Forum
Business/ Parables: Roger Kerr Spins Intriguing Slow Camel Racing Story
Scoop Video: Leaders Treated To Fireworks Spectacular
Fine Words: World's Major Diseases Can Be Conquered, Says Gordon Brown, British Prime Minister
Home & Abroad: Indigenous Leaders Voice Hope That UN Assembly Will Adopt Rights Declaration
Nuclear Fallout: Russia Uranium Sales Threaten Nuclear Proliferation And No Solution To Climate Change
Hold Fire: UN Force Commander Urges Ceasefire In Volatile Eastern DR Congo
Fashion: On The Hunt For NZ's Next T-Shirt Designer
World Cup: 'Impossible Meeting' between Zidane and All Blacks
LEAD STORY------------

Politics: Footy Game Potentially Costly For O'Connor
- Helen Clark should sack her Corrections Minister Damien O'Connor over the parliamentary rugby trip fiasco involving a suspended Corrections staff member, says National Party Leader John Key. "Mr O'Connor has shown unbelievable stupidity by including in the parliamentary rugby team tour the partner of his senior private secretary who has been suspended from Rimutaka Prison under a cloud. More >> [1] ALSO:National - An exercise in Corrections spin [2] National - O'Connor shows serious lack of judgement - again [3]
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NZ POLITICS------------
Drug Policy: No Need For Mr Ted When Toddlers Dosed On Prozac - UnitedFuture deputy leader Judy Turner, today deplored shocking statistics on the level of antidepressants prescribed to children. "I am horrified to discover that we have prescribed very high levels of antidepressants to Kiwi kids. More >> [1]
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Mental Health: Suicide A Global Problem - Working to prevent suicide in all parts of the community is the focus of this year's World Suicide Prevention Day. Each year approximately 1 million people die by suicide world wide. "These are sobering statistics," Associate Minister of Health Jim Anderton said. More >> [1]
ALSO:University of Otago - Depression treatment goes online [2]
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Military: Soldier Commended for Suicide Bomb Reaction - A New Zealand Army soldier has received a Chief of Defence Force Commendation in recognition of his courage and professionalism after an attack by a suicide bomber in Egypt. Lance Corporal Joshua Roewen of the Royal New Zealand Army Logistics Regiment served with the Multinational Force and Observers (MFO) on the Sinai Peninsula in 2006. More >> [1]
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Defence: Top Brass Respond To Unimog Accident Report - Brigadier Rhys Jones agrees with the Blenheim Coroner that lessons have been learnt by the Army as a result of the Unimog accident near Weld Pass, Marlborough, on August 16, 2006. More >> [1]
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Links: Clark Addresses NZ-US Forum - I know that the NZ-US and US-NZ Councils play an important role in advocating for closer bonds between our two democracies and more extensive ties between our economies, and I thank them both for that. I congratulate the Councils on organising this important event, and I welcome the United States delegation to New Zealand. Some of you I have already seen in Sydney in recent days. More >> [1]
ALSO:Wellington Regional Chamber of Commerce - Wellington Chamber Welcomes Second Meeting [2] NZ Govt - NZ and US sign student work travel scheme [3] Our World Is Not For Sale - Protests haunt Clark and the USNZ Forum [4]
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Business/ Parables: Roger Kerr Spins Intriguing Slow Camel Racing Story - Two Bedouins are riding their camels through the desert. One of them starts complaining about how slow their camel is. The other responds that theirs is slower. They finally bet on the issue. The oasis is three miles off and they agree that the person whose camel gets to the oasis last wins the bet. More>> [1]
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Scoop Video: Leaders Treated To Fireworks Spectacular - Selwyn Manning was on Sydney Harbour to capture a fireworks spectacular not seen since Sydney hosted the 2000 Olympics. APEC leaders were treated to quite a night. The fireworks display was followed by an armada of tall ships, crewed by youth trainees. Inside the Sydney Opera House's concert hall, the 21 leaders were taken on a cultural performance journey. The performers included: Pianist Simon Tedeschi, 100 piece children's choir, and Bangarra Dance Company. More >> [1]
ALSO:APEC 2007 - APEC Leaders' Sydney Declaration on Climate Change (includes full pdf) [2] Greenpeace - APEC declaration a Sydney distraction from action [3] - Statements on Climate Declaration by [4] Full Scoop Coverage - APEC 07 (Latest Analysis and News) [5] (Selwyn Manning): Photo Essay: "Peace!" Sydneysiders Walk The Talk [6] (Scoop News) APEC Leaders' Summit Photo: Very Outback Squire! [7] (TV3): APEC leaders reach agreement on climate change goals [8] (TV3): APEC demonstrators deliver on non-violent pledge [9]
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Fine Words: World's Major Diseases Can Be Conquered, Says Gordon Brown, British Prime Minister - Gordon Brown has called on the international community to join together and help eradicate the world's major diseases. Mr Brown said that the world's leading nations now had the "science and technology" and the "moral obligation" to wipe out diseases such as measles, diptheria, tuberculosis and pneumonia. The PM said he hoped that the "emergency of today" could be turned into the "achievement of 2015", and "we have the knowledge and the power to save millions of lives through our efforts". More >> [1]
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Home & Abroad: Indigenous Leaders Voice Hope That UN Assembly Will Adopt Rights Declaration - Indigenous leaders today expressed hope that the United Nations General Assembly next week will adopt a declaration outlining their rights and outlawing discrimination against them. The declaration emphasizes the rights of indigenous peoples to maintain and strengthen their own institutions, cultures and traditions and to pursue their development in keeping with their own needs and aspirations. The text prohibits discrimination against indigenous peoples. More >> [1]
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Nuclear Fallout: Russia Uranium Sales Threaten Nuclear Proliferation And No Solution To Climate Change - Greenpeace warns that John Howard's proposed plan to sell uranium to Russia creates a nuclear weapons proliferation risk, and is not a solution to climate change. "Russia has failed to live up to its commitments to disarm its nuclear arsenal under the Nuclear non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) and there is a real risk that Australian uranium will be used to free up Russia's own uranium supplies for weapons production and export," said Steve Shallhorn, Greenpeace Australia Pacific CEO. More >> [1]
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Hold Fire: UN Force Commander Urges Ceasefire In Volatile Eastern DR Congo - With violence flaring in the volatile eastern region of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), a senior United Nations military official based in the country today called for a ceasefire and a negotiated settlement to the conflict which has pit government troops against faction leader Laurent Nkunda. Speaking at a press conference at UN Headquarters in New York, Major-General Babacar Gaye, Force Commander of the UN Organization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (MONUC), said the situation is extremely complex and warned that it requires a "very measured response.". More >> [1]
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Fashion: On The Hunt For NZ's Next T-Shirt Designer - Glassons and NZ Fashion Week are providing an opportunity for one lucky Kiwi to join the likes of Trelise Cooper, Karen Walker and Kate Sylvester through a t-shirt design competition. The winning design will go on to feature in the 2008 Glassons Breast Cancer Research Trust t-shirt collection. More >> [1]
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World Cup: 'Impossible Meeting' between Zidane and All Blacks - adidas yesterday organised an 'Impossible meeting' between French Football hero Zinedine Zidane, six members of the All Blacks and 10 local Marseille children who had won the chance to attend. Dan Carter, Byron Kelleher, Luke McALLISTER, Aaron Mauger, Leon MacDondal and Nick Evans conducted different workshops in a friendly and relaxed manner where the children could learn the essentials with an oval ball. More >> [1]
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And those were the Top Scoops on this day, September 10, 2007
The Scoop Editor
Scoop Independent News
Scoop is NZ's largest independent news source; respected widely in media, political, business and academic circles for being the place on the internet for publishing "what was really said", and for the quality of its analysis of issues.

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