Meddlesomeness of Iran in Iraq

Published: Tue 4 Sep 2007 10:48 AM
Meddlesomeness of Iran in Iraq
by Tanveer Jafri
A lthough the law & order situation in Iraq is not completely under control, yet the American allied armies are trying their best to make the situation under control. Infact Iraq is badly involved in two of its internal main problems. One is that Iraqi people including all classes & communities don't want to see the American allies on the soil of Iraq, anymore. The second is that if Iraq should be known as a Sunni Arab nation, as it was at the time of Saddam Husain or be known as Shia ruled Iraq as it has majority of population as Shiites. The people of Iraq are in a fix to decide which of the above two should be chosen. Even the neighbouring country Iran is also interested in this issue.
Seemingly, the Noori-Al-Maliki government in Iraq is a democratic government but it is considered as a doll playing in the hands of America. It is the responsibility of this government to take cooperation of all the communities of Iraq such as the Shiites, the Sunnies & the Kurds & try its best to strengthen the situation of law & order. On the other side, the Sunni community in Iraq accuses the Maliki government that this government ignores the interests of the Sunni community & favours the interests of the Shia community only. Only due to this said reason, a few days back, all the Sunni ministers of the Maliki government collectively submitted their resignation. Before this, such a step was taken by the supporters of the active Shia leader of Iraq, Muqtda-Al-Sadr. These Shia members gave their resignation to pressurize the government. On the other hand, America accuses that all these violent & terrorist activities run in Iraq, by the Shia community, are being supported by Iran. Specially the activities of Shia leader Muqtda-Al-Sadr are being done as directed by Iran. America has gone to the extent of saying that whenever there is American military pressure on Muqtda-Al-Sadr, he leaves Iraq for Iran.
America is worried to establish law & order in Iraq & trying its best for it. It is also giving warning to Iran to not to interfere in the matters of Iraq. In the last days, the American President George Bush again accused Iran that it has been supplying weapons & training to the extremists in Iraq. Bush has also accused the Revolutionary Guards in Iran that they are giving money & weapons to the revolutionaries in Iraq. He has asked Iran to stop all these activities immediately. After giving a proof of it, America has arrested 7 Irani citizens in Baghdad. America doubted these persons that they were involved in the doubtful activities in Iraq. Iran having denied this accusation said that these arrested persons were helping in reconstruction of Iraq Power Centre.
At the same time, the Iraq Prime Minister Noori-Al-Maliki has succeeded in its efforts to bring all the three leaders of the Shiites, the Sunnies & the Kurds on the same platform. He has taken this step to establish peace in Iraq. In the last days, all the three leaders of the different communities of Iraq were seen together on the Television screen. Prime Minister Maliki's this step being taken on the initiative of America will undoubtedly bring relief to the people of Iraq who are struggling to fight groupism. This will also help in establishing peace in Iraq & also be helpful in setting up political process in Iraq. Good news from the Mehdi Army of Muqtda-Al-Sadr is also coming for the establishment of peace in Iraq. Paradoxical news is being heard that the Al Mehdi army of Sadr has declared to stop all the violent activities in Iraq for the coming six months. If it is true, really, it will be good news for the citizens of Iraq. But some different voices are being heard about this news. Some persons of the Mehdi army say that this news is baseless. But another group says that Sadr has announced it but its aim is to reorganize & strengthen the Scattered Mehdi army. It is known that the Mehdi army has about 60,000 armed members on its role. These members are ready to lay down their lives according to the wishes of their leader.
Anyhow, both the efforts show same shadow of coming peace. The first effort is by Prime Minister Maliki to bring the main groups in one platform & the second is truce declaration for six months by the personal Mehdi army of the Sadr. These will diminish the present violent activities undoubtedly. Now one thing is clear that after the present supremacy of the American army in Iraq, who will fill up the gap left by the American army? Will the Iraqi people be able to decide themselves without big hurdle? Will they be able to organize a democratic government without the help of the American directions or without any help from a neighbouring country i.e. Iran or without the cooperation of any other Sunni Arab nation? Whereas Iran seems to be anxious to fill up the gap to be vacated by America. This is also the ambition of a Shia group living in Iraq. This group wants to see Iraq ruled by a Shia group with the help & cooperation of the Shiites living in Iraq.
Now what is the most important for the people of Iraq at present? To establish peace in Iraq, to reconstruct Iraq, to finish anarchy in Iraq, to make Iraq self-dependent, to give employment to the people who are unemployed, to manage for the schools, the hospitals, to build roads & to arrange for other necessities of life are the priorities that need to be preferred to the choice of making Iraq a Shia nation or a Sunni nation in future. The more important question over making Iraq a Shia Iraq or a Sunni Iraq is its ancient & historical importance & its existence. If Iraq remained, then it can be a Shia country or a Sunni country or it can be an example of unity of the Shiites & the Sunnies. But to fight at the two fronts at present doesn't seem to be good for the people of Iraq.
Undoubtedly America is standing on the two edged sword of Iraq. America which is facing criticism on Iraq issue from all the countries of the world, even from the leaders of America & Britain, is itself seeking ways to leave Iraq. But before America leaves Iraq, it is necessary that there should be unity among the people of Iraq. There should be no interference in Iraq from its neighbouring countries. Iraqi people should be one in the basis of caste. God forbid, while America leaves Iraq, it may become a prey of plotters & indulge in civil war. Along with the people of Iraq, Iran should also take interest in establishing peace in Iraq instead of continuing its interference to just make it a Shia nation.
Author Tanveer Jafri is a columnist based in India.He is related with hundreds of most popular daily news papers/portals in India and abroad. Jafri, Almost writes in the field of communal harmony, world peace, anti communalism, anti terrorism, national integration, national & international politics etc.He is a devoted social activist for world peace, unity, integrity & global brotherhood. Tanveer Jafri is also a member of Haryana Sahitya Academy & Haryana Urdu Academy (state govt. bodies in India). Thousands articles of the author have been published in different newspapers, websites & newsportals throughout the world. He is also a receipent of so many awards in the field of Communal Harmony & other social activities.
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