Public Address 03/09/07 - Done and Blended
Public Address 03/09/07 - Done and Blended
Done and Blended | Sep 03,
2007 11:47
Russell Brown's Hard News
If I say so
myself, I am quite a good judge of talent. And I'm so glad I
went with my hunch and did what we had to do to keep Mr
Brown in the country long enough to have him appear at last
week's Great Blend events. He was...,
Medium blog whisperer | Sep 01, 2007
Fiona Rae from the couch
I've discovered a
hitherto unforeseen skill, which is rather ironic
considering what the skill is. When I predicted that I would
most likely pathetically not be able to keep up with the
weekly blog, how right I was, and how psychic! Sorry about
last week. So Spooks is good value...,
Whisky, suits, me | Sep 01, 2007 10:24
Reid's many things
Sometimes life just works out, doesn't
it? Like late yesterday afternoon when I got a call from
Russell Brown. It hadn't been a great day until that point
but fortune -- and Russell -- smiled upon me, and my
decision to wear something approximating a suit. I don't tog