Agenda Highlights: Try Diplomacy With Iran - Blix

Published: Mon 3 Sep 2007 11:12 AM
Agenda Highlights: Try Diplomacy With Iran - Blix
See full Transcript:
Agenda Transcript: Jeanette Fitzsimons & Hans Blix
Transcripts (c) copyright to Front Page Ltd but may be used PROVIDED attribution is made to TVOne and Agenda.
Greens Turning Blue Over Labour
Greens Co-Leader Jeanette Fitzsimons is accusing Labour of failing to give a vision for the future of New Zealand.
And she says the Greens will not into next year's election automatically supporting Labour.
Ms Fitzsimons said today on TVOne's "Agenda" that it was encouraging to see National moderating the sort of policies it had had under former leader, Don Brash.
Though she conceded that Labour was still closer to the Greens than National she said her party had yet to have a discussion about who it would support after the next election.
"We'll make that decision on policy before the election," she said...
"I don't think we will know that until National brings out its policies next year.
"We don't know a lot about what Labour will be offering at the next election either."
Ms Fitzsimons said the key thing for the Greens was as an independent party to pursue it goals of sustainability and fairness.
"The real question is which of the two big parties will move closer to us, we're not like some kind of handbag that goes round chasing big parties to attach ourselves to somebody else, we want to see who's going to support our policies" she said.
Try Diplomacy With Iran - Blix
Former UN Chief Weapons Inspector to Iraq Hans Blix believes the United States ought to exercise a greater degree of diplomacy when dealing with the Iranian nuclear issue.
On TVOne's Agenda today, Dr Blix said the US showing its military might in the region will only give Iran reason to further develop its nuclear capabilities.
"I think the waving of the sticks or three American aircraft carriers in the gulf is a little more counter productive than anything else."
"They might tell us, 'Well look, this shows we need a weapon to protect ourselves.'
Dr Blix said if the US pursued a more diplomatic route with Iran, like it has with North Korea, Iran might have less of a reason to arm itself.
"They are saying to the North Koreans, 'You don't need nuclear weapons we are going to assure you we are not going to invade you and we will not try to replace your regime, although we dislike it.'"
Dr Blix said when dealing with Iran the US needs to move away from their aggressive stance, and pursue more diplomatic means.
"Bush himself says 'all the options are on the table' and if you say that. doesn't it mean also that you include the nuclear option? I haven't heard the Iranians say that."

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