Scoop Top 30 Daily Ratings 25 August 2007

Published: Sun 26 Aug 2007 11:50 AM
Yesterday's top 30 rating items on Scoop were...
1: Questions And Answers - Thursday, 23 August 2007
Office of the Clerk
1. Hon BILL ENGLISH (Deputy Leader—National) to the Minister of Justice: Does he stand by his statement that the Electoral Finance Bill “will help promote participation in parliamentary democracy”; if so, why?
2: Western Australia’s Working – and needs NZ skills
Error: Couldn't get author
A team of recruiters is in the land of the long white cloud, offering lifestyle and employment opportunities for New Zealanders to join the boom in Western Australia. Western Australia is booming and thousands of jobs have been created for skilled ...
3: Downer EDI Works is Manukau’s best business
Westpac Manukau Business Awards
- Ten companies honoured in individual categories - Downer EDI Works Limited takes overall prize - Owners of Firmount Golf Park recognised for exceptional community contribution - Elias Nakhle and Hugh Green inducted into the Manukau Business Hall ...
4: ENSOC Undie 500
Canterbury Engineering Society
The University of Canterbury Engineering Society’s (ENSOC) Undie 500 pub crawl will be travelling down through towns from Christchurch to Dunedin on Friday the 24th of August. Riots in Dunedin were heavily publicised throughout New Zealand following ...
5: Kiwi rowers in good shape for Munich World Champs
Rowing New Zealand
Rowing’s week long World Championships kick off this weekend in Munich and there is a weight of expectation that New Zealand crews will excel. The prospect of medals and surprise performances in pre-Olympic year is a real one. And following a successful ...
6: UN Appoints A New Zealander To New Mission In Iraq
Andreas von Warburg
Scoop Exclusive: United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has announced the appointment of a New Zealander, David Shearer, as the new Deputy Special Representative for Iraq. He will be in charge of humanitarian, reconstruction and development and will act ...
7: Fonterra Payout Forecast Up 87 cents to $6.40kg/MS
Fonterra Co-operative Group today announced a new payout forecast of $6.40 per kilogram of milksolids for the 2007/08 season, an 87 cent increase on its May forecast of $5.53 kg/MS.
8: - 24th August 2007
New Zealand National Party
These are testing, worrying times for many New Zealanders. Huge volatility in international share markets flow directly through this country. International currency markets are more unstable than we have seen in decades. And fallout from dramas in the US ...
9: First Atenco, then Oaxaca – Chiapas, You’re Next
Julie Webb-Pullman
The ominous clouds looming lately over San Cristobal de las Casas, scene of the 1994 Zapatista uprising, are more than just a bad-weather warning - they portend the ratcheting up in Southern Mexico of even more rampant repression than that experienced in recent ...
10: The Passing Of Sir Tom Davis
Rongo Wetere
Dr. Rongo Wetere, Founder and Former CEO of Te Wananga o Aotearoa from 1994-2005, wishes to extend his condolences to Lady Carla and her family and to all the Cook Islanders in NZ and Raratonga at their loss of a very talented leader and Elder, ...
11: ERO report on sexuality education seriously flawed
Family Life International
The new Education Review Office (ERO) report into sexuality education has failed to actually measure the real outcomes of sex education in New Zealand schools. The new report is circular in nature, because it simply measures the frequency and content ...
12: Beehive Bulletin – 24 August 2007
New Zealand Government
Health Minister Pete Hodgson has welcomed the publication of new research this week showing that while inequality in health outcomes between ethnic groups and across income brackets grew steeply in the 1980s and 1990s, it appears that they have now ...
13: Scoop Top 30 Daily Ratings 24 August 2007
Scoop Daily Ratings
Yesterday's top 30 rating items on Scoop were...
14: Letter To Editor: Media Racism in New Zealand
Scoop Feedback
Media Racism in New Zealand OPINION: After an eye-opening lecture by Moana Jackson and Annette Sykes on 16.08.07 at Otago University, we are writing to express our views on the apparent media racism facing New Zealand. We all know about the Kahui ...
15: More Demonstrations Against Burmese Junta
Terry Evans
Today was such a tense day!!! More demonstrations were reportedly taken place in different areas in Rangoon following this morning peaceful march led by women activists.
16: Dillon Read And The Aristocracy Of Stock Profits
Catherine Austin Fitts
I made the decision to write “Dillon, Read & Co. Inc. and the Aristocracy of Stock Profits” in the middle of a vegetable garden in Montana during the summer of 2005. I had come to Montana to develop a venture capital model to support a healthier, ...
17: Nats turning their back on New Zealand consumers
New Zealand Government
Consumer Affairs Minister Judith Tizard is alarmed at National's about turn on consumer protection, as evidenced in the house today. "National looks set to abandon the current market–based consumer protection system that has worked well to protect New Zealand ...
18: Meeting On North-South Peace Deal
United Nations
A top United Nations official in Sudan is taking part today in an African Union (AU) meeting being held to review the progress made so far towards implementing the comprehensive peace agreement that ended the long-running civil war between north and south.
19: Congestion pricing could ease traffic jams
Greater Wellington Regional Council
Charging motorists travelling on the region’s roads during peak times may be an effective way of reducing congestion, a major new study has found. The report has been given a cautious welcome by Greater Wellington councillor Terry McDavitt ahead ...
20: Compliance with continuous Disclosure
Lombard Group
We are responding in this letter to NZX’s general inquiry of listed finance companies as to compliance with the obligation under Listing Rule 10.1.1 for continuous disclosure.
21: Don't tell Mum - give Dad a hoe this Father's Day
Forget the usual undies, socks or ties - this Father's Day, show your dad you care by giving a hoe to a father living in a developing country. ChildFund New Zealand's 'Gifts that Grow' catalogue offers a range of meaningful gifts you can buy on behalf ...
22: Cyber-shot introduces smile detection
Sony New Zealand Limited
Sony's new T200 and T70 Cyber-shot use unique smile shutter function while the H3 Cyber-shot comes with ultimate 10x optical zoom
23: Bachelor of Social Work Closure A Backward Step
Aotearoa NZ Association of Social Workers
The Aotearoa New Zealand Association of Social Workers (ANZASW) – New Zealand's professional association for social workers – is questioning Massey University's proposed closure of the Bachelor of Social Work programme at its Wellington campus ...
24: Sexuality Education for Young New Zealanders
New Zealand Government
Youth Development Minister Nanaia Mahuta has welcomed the recommendations of the Education Review Office report on Sexuality Education for years 7 to 13. "A key recommendation is that young people be seen as partners in their own sexual education," said Nanaia ...
25: In Fight Against Domestic Violence In Zimbabwe
United Nations
New York, Aug 24 2007 10:00AM Hundreds of traditional leaders across Zimbabwe are being trained to help fight domestic abuse in their communities under a United Nations-backed initiative launched in cooperation with the Government and women lawyers in the Central ...
26: Religion in schools under the microscope
Human Rights Commission
Teaching about religions, religious education and religious observance in schools will all come under the microscope at a forum on Monday afternoon at Holy Trinity Cathedral in Auckland.
27: ITUC Protestsover Construction Workers' Strike
In a letter* to the Hong Kong Labour Minister Mathew Cheung, the ITUC has called on the government to help resolve a strike involving several hundred “bar benders” on construction sites around Hong Kong, due to the refusal of the Bar Bending Contractors ...
28: Close of nominations reveal plenty of choice for e
Hamilton City Council
The closing of nominations for the 2007 Triennial elections has resulted in a nominee’s list that will provide plenty of choice and fodder for public discussion.
29: Cancer Control Monitoring Report Welcomed
Cancer Control Trust
The Cancer Control Council released today its first evaluation and monitoring report, Mapping Progress: The First Two Years of the Cancer Control Strategy Action Plan 2005-2010.
30: Top Scoop Stories - 24 August 2007 News Summary
The Scoop Editor
UN Appoints A Kiwi To New Mission In Iraq / Birds & Bees Sorted For Young Kiwis / Taser Trial Over - Police Say Lives Saved / Trade Down, Dollar High / Disparities Of 1990s Closing / Fonterra Payout Upgraded / New Unrest Flares In East Timor.
Scoop Daily Ratings
Scoop Independent News
Scoop is NZ's largest independent news source; respected widely in media, political, business and academic circles for being the place on the internet for publishing "what was really said", and for the quality of its analysis of issues.

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