95bFM: The Wednesday Wire with Paul Deady 25/07/07
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1215 – Brenda Pilott, PSA
There's corruption in Welling-town! Or is there? An employee of the Environment Ministry Madeleine Setchell lost her job 3 days after she started it after an advisor to David Benson-Pope queried her relationship with National's chief press secretary. Benson-Pope's made all manner of gaffs this week about the affair, but maintains he knew nothing. And now, the Union representing workers in the Public Service says the whole thing is just plain murky. They want answers, they want clarification, they want the truth! Brenda Pilot, PSA National secretary, will join me at 1215 to wade through all that murk...
1230 – Brad Totorewa - Te Wananga Aotearoa
At half past 12 I'll be speaking with Brad Totorewa from Te Wananga o Aotearoa – the largest Maori language school in the country. It's Maori language week of course, and aside from a very eloquent introduction from Simon Dallow on the news, this means taking a good hard look at where te reo is at. In yesterday's Herald, Te Wananga's CEO Bentham Ohia wrote a great editorial which raised some concerns about the focus of Maori Language week – particularly phrases over fluency. I'll be asking Brad – the regional manager for the Tainui region, about some of those concerns.
1250 – Potaua Biasiny-Tule
Hopefully at ten to one I'll be speaking with either Potaua or Nikolasa Biasiny-Tule, a husband and wife team undertaking the massive, but thoroughly worthwhile task of introducing a Maori language option into Google's search pages.
1310 – Counterclockwise
Counterclockwise with Selwyn Manning from scoop starts a bit earlier today at ten past one. Today we'll be having a look at the NZ visit by former Chinese diplomat Yonglin Chen who says that in 2005 the Chinese government kidnapped a New Zealand resident and shipped him off to China. Holy crap!
1330 – Richard Glatzer and Wash Westmoreland
And a special treat to round out the show at half past one, I'll be speaking with the directors of a thoroughly lovely film currently screening at the Telecom International Film Festival. It's called Quinceanera and concerns the coming of age of a young Latino girl in a rapidly gentrifying suburb in East LA. Richard Glatzer and Wash Westmoreland will be in the sutdio to talk about a film made in record time which went on to win the Audience Prize and the grand jury prize for drama at the Sundance Film Festival.