Exclusive: PhotoEssay Under Siege in North Lebanon
Jon Stephenson Photo-Essay: Under Siege in North Lebanon
For the past month the Lebanese Army has been shelling Fatah Al Islam insurgents who have infiltrated Nahr Al Bared refugee camp in north Lebanon. The fighting has caused an estimated 20,000 Palestinian refugees to flee to the relative safety of Beddawi refugee camp near Tripoli. New Zealand foreign correspondent, Jon Stephenson, was there and filed this photo essay report for Scoop.
Lebanese military checkpoint at Tripoli on the road to Nahr Al Bared refugee camp, where Fatah Al Islam insurgents have been fighting the Lebanese Army for the past month.

Shelling of Nahr Al Bared refugee camp, where Fatah Al Islam insurgents have been fighting the Lebanese Army for the past month.

Beddawi Camp has been swamped after many thousands of Palestinians fled there following fighting between the Lebanese Army and Fatah Al Islam insurgents, who had infiltrated the Palestinian camp at Nahr Al Bared.

Lebanese children playing with the remains of a Rocket Propelled Grenade that was fired at Lebanese soldiers by Fatah Al Islam insurgents inside the Palestinian refugee camp at Nahr Al Bared, northern Lebanon.

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