95bFM: The Wednesday Wire with Paul Deady

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1215 – Dr Sue Bagshaw, Senior Lecturer in Adolescent Health at Otago University
The nation is morally panicked, morally outraged, and it's all the teenager's fault! Who are these creatures, what causes them to drive their low cars so fast and won't someone PLEASE think of the children! I'll be looking at the issue a bit today, starting off at quarter past one with Dr Sue Bagshaw. She's the Senior Lecturer in Adolescent Health at Otago University, among a slew of other relevant qualifications. She's gonna talk to me about brain development and how it influences young people's attitudes to everything from sex to fast cars.
1230 – Hon. Nanaia Mahuta – Youth Affairs Minister
Continuing with the theme at half past 12, I'll be speaking to Youth Affairs Minister, the honorable Nanaia Mahuta. Is the government doing enough to stop the teenaged scourge, or, as a number of the countries mayors have suggested, is the problem far too out of control? It's also Youth Week this week, and I imagine the minister is having a hard time convincing people to focus on the positive contributions young people make to society.
1305 - Fancy New Band – Artisan Guns
At five past one A fancy new band by the name of Artisan Guns will be joining me in the studio to talk about the massive showcase happening tomorrow and Friday night, and, as teenagers themselves, maybe to give their 2 cents on those no-good youth.
1315 – David Do, Education Vice President AUSA
AUSA time at quarter past one. Education Vice president David Do will be in the studio to talk officer elections, research proposals, and yes, teenagers.
1330 – Counterclockwise with Selwyn Manning from scoop.co.nz
Selwyn Manning from scoop.co.nz won't be talking about teenagers, but instead will be looking at Fiji once again at half past one for our regular Wednesday segment counterclockwise. Today he'll be looking at the contribution Fiji makes to UN peacekeeping operations around the world. The UN says it's a case by case matter, but the NZ government is now lobbying for an outright ban on using Fijian troops – at least while the military cop holds.
1345 – Theresa Patterson – Manager for Scribe, Blindspott, Carly Binding, Elemeno P, The Have
And a spotlight shines on NZ Music Week at quarter to 2, when I'll be talking to Theresa Patterson, who manages Scribe, Blindspott, Carly Binding, Elemeno P, and The Have. There's been a lot of kerfuffle of late about the state of NZ Music – especially getting it overseas. Theresa's just been all over the country chairing a series of music industry seminars specifically on the subject of getting our music there, so should have some interesting thoughts.