USAs: GOP Rep. Told of Plan to Fire US Attorney

Published: Tue 1 May 2007 09:58 PM
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The Washington Post: GOP Lawmaker Told of Plan to Fire US Attorney
The White House told a Republican member of Congress last summer about its plans to fire a US attorney in Arkansas and replace him with a former aide to presidential adviser Karl Rove, but it did not tell Democratic lawmakers, according to a new Justice Department e-mail released yesterday.
McClatchy Newspapers: Administration Considered Firing 12 US Attorneys
Congressional sources who have seen unedited internal documents say the Bush administration considered firing at least a dozen US attorneys before paring down its list to eight late last year. The latest revelation could provide new evidence to critics who contend that politics, not performance, played the determining role in the firings.
McClatchy Newspapers : Bush Administration Targeted Another Top Federal Prosecutor
The Bush administration considered firing the former US attorney in Minnesota as well, but he left his job voluntarily before the list of attorneys to be ousted was completed, two Congressional aides said Thursday.
The New York Times Editorial: Another Dubious Firing
"Congressman Rick Renzi, an Arizona Republican, was locked in a close re-election battle last fall when the local United States attorney, Paul Charlton, was investigating him for corruption. The investigation appears to have been slowed before Election Day. Mr. Renzi retained his seat and Mr. Charlton ended up out of a job - one of eight prosecutors purged by the White House and the Justice Department. This Arizona case adds a disturbing new chapter to that scandal," says The New York Times.
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