US Attorneys: Special Counsel to Probe Karl Rove

Published: Wed 25 Apr 2007 05:14 PM
Truthout Links
The Hill: Miers Weighed Yang's Firing, Senator Feinstein Says
Former White House Counsel Harriet Miers discussed firing ex-US Attorney Debra Yang, who was leading an investigation into lucrative ties between Rep. Jerry Lewis (R-California) and a lobbying firm before she left her government post voluntarily last fall, Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-California) charged in a hearing last week.
The Los Angeles Times: Special Counsel to Probe Karl Rove's Political Activities
Most of the time, an obscure federal investigative unit known as the Office of Special Counsel confines itself to monitoring the activities of relatively low-level government employees, stepping in with reprimands and other routine administrative actions for such offenses as discriminating against military personnel or engaging in prohibited political activities. But the Office of Special Counsel is preparing to jump into one of the most sensitive and potentially explosive issues in Washington, launching a broad investigation into White House political operations headed by chief strategist Karl Rove.
ABC News: Security Breakdown at the White House?
Current and former employees of the White House Security Office have reported to Chairman Waxman that there was a systemic failure at the White House to follow procedures for protecting classified information. According to the security officers, the White House regularly ignored security breaches, prevented security inspections of the West Wing and condoned mismanagement of the White House Security Office.
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