Daily Voting News For April 10, 2007

Published: Wed 11 Apr 2007 03:58 PM
Daily Voting News For April 10, 2007
Guest Blogged by John Gideon of
Yesterday the Maryland legislature voted unanimously to ban the use of paperless voting machines by 2010. The legislation requires an optically scannable paper ballot marked by hand or with the help of a ballot marking device. This news leaves one questioning the demise of Linda Lamone who has sworn that the state would go to paper “over my dead body”.
“Newer isn't always better. The Harrison County [Mississippi] Board of Supervisors has decided the new touch screen voting system isn't worth the hassle, the expense, or the nightmare it would create in a contested election. The board voted Monday to revert back to scanning machines on the recommendation of Circuit Clerk Gayle Parker. There are several reasons why Parker is no fan of the touch screen system. She says she'd rather stick to what works well than sit on the cutting edge of technology under a flawed system.” Among those reasons are that the Diebold TSx DREs are not “user friendly” and the system is “a headache”....
NAtional: COTS and Other Electronic Voting Backdoors LINK
National: People for the American Way (PFAW) is Misleading Americans on the Holt Election Reform Bill LINK
National: Introducing the National Election Reform Platform LINK
National: Good guys vs. Good guys on voting machine reform LINK
California: CA SoS Bowen Strikes Back: Speaks up (Again) for the VOTERS! LINK
Florida: Ballot reforms too little, critics say LINK
Florida: Florida governor breaks ranks on felon voting rights LINK
Florida: Columnist - Back to the future, riding the paper trail LINK
Florida: Election-reform plan scraps touch screens LINK
Florida: Senate unveils election-reform plan LINK
Maryland: Maryland Passes Paper Ballot Bill: 'A Victory for Democracy' LINK
Mississippi: Harrison County Switches Back To Old Voting System LINK
Mississippi: Harrison County - Electronic voting machines dumped LINK
Ohio: State board delays action on Brunner's budget plea LINK
Ohio: Cuyahoga County - Election mishaps lead to board upheaval in key Ohio county LINK
Ohio: Cuyahoga County - Chronology of Cuyahoga County elections board events LINK
West Virginia: Ireland targets disabled in voter drive LINK
**"Daily Voting News" is meant as a comprehensive listing of reports each day concerning issues related to election and voting news around the country regardless of quality or political slant. Therefore, items listed in "Daily Voting News" may not reflect the opinions of VotersUnite.Org or Scoop.**
John Gideon
Executive Director and

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