Scoop News: Thomas Yadegary Released From Prison

Published: Thu 5 Apr 2007 03:47 PM
Scoop News: Thomas Yadegary Released From Prison
By Selwyn Manning – Scoop Co-Editor
BREAKING NEWS: Thomas Yadegary, the Iranian chef who cooked for Bill Clinton and who the government locked up indefinitely awaiting his signature on papers that would see him deported back to Iran, has been released from prison.

Thomas Yadegary is an Iranian who had been held in prison for two and a half years because he refused to sign papers which would result in him being forced to return to Iran where his life would be at risk.
A judgment resulting from a December hearing was released to Mr Yadegary's lawyers yesterday. However aspects of the judgment were ambiguous leaving the lawyers confused as to whether the judgment meant Mr Yadegary could be set free. The matter was mitigated this morning (Thursday April 5) when Mr Yadegary appeared before the Auckland High Court. His lawyers sought clarification from the courts and Mr Yadegary was subsequently released.
Scoop understands Mr Yadegary has been released under strict bail conditions that require him to be under curfew, residing at a place agreed to with the courts, from 7pm to 7am daily. He also has to report to police three times a week. However bail conditions have been relaxed over Easter and Mr Yadegary is looking forward to celebrating the Christian observance with his church community.
Scoop also understands the Crown has applied for suppression of the court's judgment. That matter is pending consideration by the Auckland District Court.
Last week, Mr Yadegary's lawyers received a letter from immigration Minister David Cunliffe who wrote stating the government would not be getting involved with Mr Yadegary's case.
For More, see…
ALSO: Global Peace and Justice Auckland is delighted for Thomas Yadegary that he has been released from Mt Eden prison at lunchtime today after almost two and a half years of detention without trial. Thomas was released after a High Court decision was made late yesterday which resulted from a judicial review application heard in December. This judicial review was of an earlier District Court decision to keep Thomas incarcerated. See... GPJA: Thomas Yadegary released after 2 yrs 5m
Justice: No Crime, No Charge, But Thomas Yadegary Remains In Prison Thomas Yadegary appeared again in the Auckland District Court in Albert Street Friday where Immigration Ministry lawyers argued for his continuing incarceration. The court agreed to hold Mr Yadegary for another month. Thomas is an Iranian who is being held in prison because he refuses to sign papers which would result in him being forced to return to Iran where his life would be at risk. Supporters gathered outside the court. See... Thomas Yadegary in Court Today Will he be released
ALSO:PQs - David Cunliffe Answers Parliamentary Questions on Yadegary CaseUnited Future - Copeland: New Zealand human rights failureSelwyn Manning - Amnesty Does U-Turn On Yadegary CaseScoop - FULL COVERAGE of Immigration Issues in NZScoop Editorial - Cunliffe Must Explain Why He Abandoned Support For Asylum-Seeker's Plight

Scoop Report: Amnesty U-Turns Over Yadegary Says It's Now Unsafe To Send Him To Iran
- Scoop's Selwyn Manning writes that Amnesty International has conducted a U-Turn on the Thomas Yadegary asylum-seeker case after discovering new information suggesting that if New Zealand deports him it will be in breach of its international human rights obligations. Also, both the U.S. State Dept and the UN General assembly cite concerns about Iran. See... Scoop Report: Amnesty Does U-Turn On Yadegary Case
ALSO:Global Peace And Justice Auckland - 1 November - Labour Government's Day of ShameNo Right Turn - No Right Turn: Two Years Is Still Too Long

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