KiwiFM Audio: Wammo IV - Airheads Author Says We're Being Taken Over
KiwiFM Audio: (click here to
listen) - KiwiFM's Wammo interviews Shelley Gare,
author of the Triumph of the Airheads and the Retreat From
Common Sense. The airheads are winning and so are airhead
values. We live in a world where ignorance is not just
bliss, it's celebrated. Celebrities are multiplying like
tadpoles; millionaires are breeding even faster; values have
gone out the window, and commonsense has run off with the
Soon we'll be talking about Paris Hilton for US president. Even the current president doesn't know the difference between Sweden and Switzerland. Shelley Gare has written an insightful, sharp and funny book about how our society is losing the plot. In a series of snapshots covering everything from the rise of the jargon-speaking HR manager to our obsession with cushions, cafes and lifestyle, from the rise of the empty-headed It-girls to the multi-million dollar payouts to failed CEOs, The Triumph of the Airheads looks at how our society has been turned upside-down.
Wammo has launched a podcast…

ALSO: Tune into KiwiFM Mornings
Wammo 10am till 2pm weekdays - KiwiFM 102.2FM Akl
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