DOJ Made Memos After the Fact to Pacify Dem. Probe

Published: Thu 22 Mar 2007 02:33 PM
Making a List of Reasons for Firing US Attorneys
Justice Department memos show performance issues were being detailed after the fact in order to justify the terminations.
By Richard A. Serrano
The Los Angeles Times
Wednesday 21 March 2007
See Full Story…,0,6718386.story
Washington - Senior Justice Department officials began drafting memos this month listing specific reasons why they had fired eight U.S. attorneys, intending to cite performance problems such as insubordination, leadership failures and other missteps if needed to convince angry congressional Democrats that the terminations were justified.
The memos, organized as charts with entries for each of the federal prosecutors and labeled "for internal DOJ use only," offer new details about disputes over policy, priorities and management styles between the department and several of its U.S. attorneys.
The prosecutors' shortcomings also were listed in a talking-points memo, indicating the willingness of the Justice Department to make public what are normally confidential personnel matters in order to counter its critics.
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See Full Story…,0,6718386.story
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