KiwiFM Audio: Manning & Wallace – Whale Footage, John Key n Maori Party
KiwiFM Audio: (click here to
listen) The NZ Government recently released footage
of Japan whaling ships slaughtering whales in the Ross Sea.
Also, Nat leader John Key is schmoozing Maori. Will the
Maori Party find a friend in Key's Nats? Scoop's Selwyn
Manning talks to KiwiFM's Wallace Chapman about what lies
behind these two issues.
Int. Law: RNZAF Orion Captures Japanese Whaling In
Ross Sea - A Royal New Zealand Air Force
Orionundertaking surveillance against illegal fishing in the
Southern Ocean has sighted Japanese whaling vessels
operating in the Ross Sea, Conservation Minister Chris
Carter said today. “The Orion has taken footage of the
Japanese fleet's activities. Three whaling vessels were
observed harpooning, hauling and processing whales. Given
the strong public interest in this issue, the government has
decided to make the footage available to the media," Mr
Scoop Streaming Video: Government
releases footage of Japanese whaling
Scoop Streaming Video: BACKGROUND:
Scoop Report on Whaling, June
ALSO: Tune
into KiwiFM Mornings with
Wallace Chapman - KiwiFM
102.2FM Akl 102.1FM Wgtn 102.5FM ChCh
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