Daily Voting News For January 11-13, 2007

Published: Mon 15 Jan 2007 03:38 PM
Daily Voting News For January 11, 2007
Guest Blogged by John Gideon of
The town of Newfane, Vermont has always hand counted their ballots and the town leaders are asking the voters to continue that act and to turn-down the offer of a Diebold optical-scan machine from the state. Adding to the negative feelings against changing generations of tradition is the fact that the town will get a free machine but would also get an annual bill for maintenance, licensing, and software. / Two new EAC Commissioner's have been nominated. While the Dem. nominee has election's experience and meets the legal qualifications for the job, the Rep. nominee has no election's experience and has only held positions in the RNC and the present administration. She clearly does not have the minimum experience required by HAVA for the position she has been named....
National: ES Criticizes U.S. Congresswoman LINK
National: Hunter and Rodriguez Nominated for the Election Assistance Commission LINK
Colorado: Montrose County - Secretary of State scrutinizes vote snafu LINK
Florida: Opinion - Ballot bingo
'None of the above' is a good option LINK
Florida: Miami-Dade County - Poll glitches: Check plug, try paper clip LINK
Florida: FL-13 - House Seat Hangs by a Byte LINK
Florida: FL-13 - Buchanan gets premium position on House panel
Jennings declares she's not giving up election challenge LINK
Florida: FL-13 – Huff Po's Melinda Henneberger Interviews Dem. Christine Jennings On Her Contested Florida Congressional Race…. LINK
Florida: FL-13 - Taking an Election Seriously, in Florida’s Thirteenth LINK
Florida: Polk County - Elections Chief Edwards Picked For U.S. Panel LINK
Iowa: Iowa group calling for return to paper ballots LINK
New York: Undoing a Done Deal
Activists make headway in their push for a say in how New York’s votes will get counted LINK
Vermont: Newfane - Board spurns voting scanner LINK
**"Daily Voting News" is meant as a comprehensive listing of reports each day concerning issues related to election and voting news around the country regardless of quality or political slant. Therefore, items listed in "Daily Voting News" may not reflect the opinions of VotersUnite.Org or Scoop.**
Daily Voting News For January 12, 2007
Guest Blogged by John Gideon of
"U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA, pictured at right), Chairman of the Senate Rules Committee, today sent a letter to the U.S. Election Assistance Commission seeking answers as to why the Commission failed to notify election officials or the public about a serious problem with Ciber Labs of Colorado, one of three major labs that tests much of the nation’s software used in voting equipment. Senator Feinstein also asked for information regarding what went wrong at Ciber Labs to warrant its loss of accreditation." / "The move came one month after Brian Phillips, president of SysTest Labs, accepted the invitation of a Florida law firm representing a Republican candidate to witness a recount in a Florida election."When there's a conflict over an election, like there was in Florida, we don't want (these companies) to be hired by one party or another," said Donetta Davidson, formerly Colorado secretary of state and now chairwoman of the U.S. Election Assistance Commission." This from the woman who told Florida election officials that she was unhappy to see the Republicans lose the Senate because she had promises from them that they would not allow any changes to HAVA. Commissioner, while you're on the conflict of interest theme, let's look inwardly; OK? ...
National: Senator Feinstein Seeks Answers from EAC On Unreported Failures at Voting Equipment Test Lab LINK
National: Election Assistance Cheerleader LINK
National: Toe ethics line, vote machines' testers told LINK
National: Activist: DHS considering outsourcing work for ID law LINK
National: The Technology Devolution LINK
California: Alameda County - Macdonald Named County Registrar LINK
California: Long Beach - Council Buys New Voting System For City, First Test May 1 LINK
California: Long Beach - City Council approves new voting system for Long Beach LINK
Colorado: No more partisan rules, Coffman vows LINK
Colorado: Denver - Denver Tests Voting Machines For Jan. Election LINK
Colorado: Montrose County - Citizens question choice of equipment LINK
Florida: 3 Democrats Contest Wins By Incumbents LINK
Florida: FL-13 - Computer experts take crack at D-13 vote code LINK
Florida: FL-13 - Christine Jennings Admits She Should Have Listened to Election Integrity Advocates Earlier... LINK
Georgia: Staton wants increased penalties for voter fraud LINK
Illinois: Cook County - County Clerk vows election improvements LINK
Maryland: Md. Democrats waste no time proposing paper trail­ LINK
New York: Paper ballots vs. touch screen voting machines LINK
South Carolina: Pawleys Island - Pawleys to have electronic voting LINK
**"Daily Voting News" is meant as a comprehensive listing of reports each day concerning issues related to election and voting news around the country regardless of quality or political slant. Therefore, items listed in "Daily Voting News" may not reflect the opinions of VotersUnite.Org or Scoop.**
Daily Voting News For January 13, 2007
Guest Blogged by John Gideon of
In Ohio, as well as most states, "elections directors, particularly those operating with touch-screen voting machines, say their charges for special elections are rising because of the rising costs associated with modern voting systems, including delivering and setting up machines, building rentals and custodial fees, the paper that backs up the touch- screen voting and training sessions." This is part of what HAVA is costing this country. Direct Recording Electronic voting machines are not just expensive to buy; they are expensive to operate. Local school boards, fire districts, port and park commissions who have historically used county elections equipment will no longer be able to afford to have elections to raise funds to do their work....
National: A House of Voting Cards LINK
National: Banned test lab certified electronic voting machines used by 68.5% of nation's registered voters in 2006 elections LINK
National: Fixing The E-Voting Mess
Advocacy groups push for electronic voting reform. LINK
Colorado: Denver County – Point/Counterpoint - Change to charter can streamline process LINK
Colorado: Denver County – Point/Counterpoint - Clerk and recorder solution has many flaws LINK
Connecticut: Secretary of the state would make Conn. national model for election security LINK
Florida: FL-13 – Bob Bauer - Taking Elections Seriously, Part II LINK
Maryland: Officials Warm To Paper Trail To Verify Votes In Maryland LINK
Maryland: House bill to require paper trail for voters LINK
Maryland: Election paper trail bill on House agenda LINK
Maryland: Prince George's County - Two-Thirds of Precincts Were Short on Machines LINK
Maryland: Prince George's County - Election chief says Prince George's was short on voting machines LINK
New York: Opinion - Counting ballots LINK
Ohio: Special elections cost whether taxes pass Charges for touch-screen machines going up LINK
Virginia: Virginia Takes Up Paper Ballot Legislation in 2007 Session LINK
**"Daily Voting News" is meant as a comprehensive listing of reports each day concerning issues related to election and voting news around the country regardless of quality or political slant. Therefore, items listed in "Daily Voting News" may not reflect the opinions of VotersUnite.Org or Scoop.**
John Gideon
Executive Director and

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