Yesterday's top 30 rating items on Scoop were...
Suggests Cuts Ethiopian-Eritrean
United NationsFaced with Ethiopia’s refusal to implement the binding decisions of a Boundary Commission and Eritrea’s imposition of “harsh, humiliating impediments,” Secretary-General Kofi Annan is proposing a major reduction in the United Nations mission monitoring ...
2: Somalia: Aid Suspended As Fighting Intensifies
United NationsThe United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) has suspended much of its delivery of aid by air in Somalia due to increased fighting, including its first airdrops in eight years, and withdrawn its last international staff from a country where it ...
3: Posada Carriles: Washington Preferred Terrorist
Council on Hemispheric AffairsAdvertisement - scroll to continue readingThe Bush Administration is harboring perhaps the Western Hemisphere’s most insidious terrorist, whose application for U.S. citizenship is presently on the docket and if granted, would represent an effrontery to this nation’s bona fides, as well ...
4: Robert Parry: The GOP's $3 Bn Propaganda Organ
Robert ParryThe American Right achieved its political dominance in Washington over the past quarter century with the help of more than $3 billion spent by Korean cult leader Sun Myung Moon on a daily propaganda organ, the Washington Times, according to a 21-year veteran ...
5: Jason Miller Interviews Stephen Lindman
Jason MillerI recently had the privilege of conducting a “cyber interview” with one of the preeminent domestic critics of the American Empire. Despite his relatively recent start, Stephen Lendman has rapidly become one of the most ubiquitous and well-respected ...
6: A steamroller through the heart of Wellington
Green PartyThe building of the Bypass and the destruction of an historic part of Wellington is a tragedy that must never be repeated said Green Party spokesperson for Wellington City Iona Pannett.
7: Kiwi's Join Sea Shepherd's Fight In Antarctic
Scoop FeedbackJoining the conservation vessel the Sea Shepherd in their anti-whaling voyage are two New Zealand crew are Jaimie Brown from Kaikoura and Marcus Graham of North Shore, Auckland. Both utterly sure that what they will be doing will be of importance and ...
8: No More Roads! Say Protesters 'Nailed' To Asphalt
No More RoadsThe long-awaited opening of the Wellington Inner City "Bypass" is/was delayed this morning, as it is/was blockaded by protesters who claim that new roads exacerbate climate change.
9: Annan ‘deeply concerned’ at Libyan death sentences
United Nations22 December 2006 – United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan today voiced his deep concern at the death sentence imposed by a Libyan court on five Bulgarian nurses and a Palestinian doctor for the alleged intentional transmission of HIV/AIDS to ...
10: Security For Palestinians In Baghdad Worsens
United NationsSecurity for predominantly Sunni Palestinians in Baghdad has deteriorated over the past week amid increasing fears of attack as members of the Mahdi army Shiite militia are reported to be taking over apartments in a mainly Shia area, the United Nations ...
11: Roading Contractor Smoking Without the Smokes!
Fulton HoganMobile Crushing manager Allan McDonald is in a race against time before New Years to supply road repair crews with crushed rock. Despite immense pressure he isn’t resorting to his old habit of a few rushed drags on a cigarette before the next excavation ...
12: Neighbours Must Stay Out Of Somalia Fighting
United NationsSecretary-General Kofi Annan today appealed to Somalia’s neighbours to stay out of the spiralling violence in the country, where Ethiopia has admitted sending troops amid fighting between the Transitional Federal Government (TFG) and the Union of ...
13: John Kerry: The Case for Flip-Flopping
U.S. SenatorThere's something much worse than being accused of "flip-flopping": refusing to flip when it's obvious that your course of action is a flop.
14: Weather Highlights of 2006
MetServiceIt was the coldest June since 1972, and that was mainly due to the "snowball storm" that hit on 11-12 June. We had a southerly autumn, an early and slippery winter, a windy spring and then a cool start to summer. This article gives some notes from ...
15: Randall Tobias: Statement to Lebanon Press Corps
US State DepartmentStatement to Lebanon Press Corps Randall L. Tobias, Director of U.S. Foreign Assistance and USAID Administrator Grand Serail Beirut, Lebanon October 27, 2006
16: Explanation of Vote on Iran & UNSC Resolution 1737
US State DepartmentIran's pursuit of a nuclear weapons capability constitutes a grave threat and demands a clear statement from the Security Council. Today, we are placing Iran in the small category of states under Security Council sanctions, and sending Iran an unambiguous ...
17: Posada Carriles: Washington's Preferred Terrorist
Council on Hemispheric AffairsThe upcoming immigration hearing for Luis Posada Carriles, the 78 year-old felon who is a self-confessed co-conspirator responsible for the detonation of a bomb which killed 73 passengers and crew members aboard a Cuban passenger airliner as it flew ...
18: Public doesn’t trust Corrections - Power
New Zealand National PartyThe Corrections Department has an awful lot of work to do to gain the trust and confidence of the public, says National’s Justice & Corrections spokesman, Simon Power.
19: Rice IV by Anne Gearan of the Associated Press
US State DepartmentQUESTION: We'll start with Iraq -- that's right. And we've heard you and others say for a while now that, you know, one event or another in Iraq -- the elections, the advent of the Maliki government was an opportunity for a fresh start or a real opportunity ...
20: M. Shahid Alam: An ‘Islamic Civil War’
M. Shahid AlamThe war that Western powers – primarily US, Israel and Britain – began against the Islamic world after September 11, 2001, is about to enter a new more dangerous phase as their early plans for ‘changing the map of the Middle East’ have begun ...
21: Sheila Samples: Will Stinky Cut The Big One?
Sheila SamplesIt's almost painful to watch the disintegration of George W. Bush and what's left of his murderous administration. Those who haven't fled are racing blindly through the halls of power, lurching into one another in a desperate attempt to distance ...
22: Boucher to the Press in Ashgabat, Turkmenistan
US State DepartmentASSISTANT SECRETARY BOUCHER: First of all let me say that I -- this is my first visit to Turkmenistan, although it’s a different occasion than I imagined. So I thought it was worthwhile sitting down with a few of you and explaining where we are and ...
23: Interview: Italy's Antiquities Prosecutor Fiorilli
Suzan MazurItaly's antiquities prosecutor, Maurizio Fiorilli, has become the darling of the media in the past year helping to persuade the American public, and particularly the art world, to rethink the ethics of holding onto Italy's cultural patrimony with ...
24: Scoop Top 30 Daily Ratings 27 December 2006
Scoop Daily RatingsYesterday's top 30 rating items on Scoop were...
25: Sea Shepherd Launches Operation Leviathan
Sea Shepherd Conservation SocietyOn Saturday, the 23rd of December [Australian EST(Eastern Summer Time)], the international volunteer crew of the Sea Shepherd flagship Farley Mowat departed from Melbourne. The departure of the ship launches our campaign to intercept Japanese whaling operations ...
26: Dobriansky - Sustainability Leadership Summit
US State DepartmentRemarks to the Women's Network for a Sustainable Future -- Third Businesswomen's Sustainability Leadership Summit
27: William Fisher: Where Are the Christians?
William FisherIt's not rocket science to understand why Republicans have gone into hibernation on the issue of Rep. Virgil Goode's outrageous rant against his fellow Congressman, Keith Ellison - the first Muslim ever elected to either legislative house - who wants ...
28: Middle East News: End The Policy Of Isolation
Middle East News ServiceThe English edition of Haaretz carries this as its leading opinion piece item (I’m not sure where it fits in the Hebrew edition, if at all.) It is a message directed mainly to the US Administration and people, and to a lesser extent the people of ...
29: Kyrgyzstan: UN Sends Aid For Quake Victims
United NationsThe United Nations is sending $10,000 to earthquake-hit Kyrgyzstan in response to an appeal by the Government for international assistance to provide food, heating equipment, clothing, medicines and construction materials to help victims of the ...
30: Boucher Remarks to the Press in Ottawa, Canada
US State DepartmentASSISTANT SECRETARY BOUCHER: Thanks for coming. It's good to talk to you. It's nice to be back in Ottawa -- I think it was last year about June. I come up periodically to talk to my Canadian colleagues.