Public Address 28/12/6 - True Meaning Of Tutaekuri

Published: Thu 28 Dec 2006 08:15 PM
PUBLIC ADDRESS 28/12/06 - The true meaning of Tutaekuri
The true meaning of Tutaekuri | Dec 28, 2006 10:03
Russell Brown's Hard News
Getting Richard Dawkins for Christmas might seem to lack a certain sentiment, but the big book of The God Delusion isn't bad holiday reading. Dawkins is still the energiser bunny of atheism, but he writes beautifully and argues conscientiously...,
Christmas Cracker (I've been waiting all year for that one) | Dec 27, 2006 13:38
Damian Christie - Cracker With Attitude
Family Christmases can be hard at the best of times. Don't get me wrong, I love my family. And I love the fact that I'm not an orphan, either legally or self-imposed by being stranded somewhere like London in the midst of an OE...,
Nixon and Mao
Real Times: The Documentary Channel blog with The Doctor
Posted at 11:35AM on 27 Dec 06
There's a lot of BBC, a couple of venerable political films (about Mao and Nixon respectively) worth catching, and some Sir Edmund Hillary action in the Documentary Channel's January lineup …,151,>a?

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