Scoop Link: Watada States His Case in Moiliili

Published: Fri 22 Dec 2006 10:17 AM
Watada States His Case in Moiliili
Standing ovations greet a soldier facing a court-martial for refusing to go to Iraq.
By Leila Fujimori
The Star Bulletin
Wednesday 20 December 2006
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(NOTE: version contains audio of interview with Watada.)
A highly sympathetic crowd of a few hundred people gave Army 1st Lt. Ehren Watada standing ovations before, during and after a speech at the Church of the Crossroads in Moiliili.
Watada, a Honolulu native, faces court-martial in Fort Lewis, Wash., next month on six counts for refusing to deploy to Iraq and for conduct unbecoming an officer, charges that carry a maximum six years' imprisonment. He was back in Honolulu to meet with his attorney and visit with family.
Watada acknowledged that his actions have divided the community. "That was not my intent," he said. But upon learning the facts of the war, he said he was in turmoil.
… snip …
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