PM On Carbon Neutrality, Liam Ashley Report

Published: Mon 11 Dec 2006 06:53 PM
Scoop Audio: PM On Carbon Neutrality, Liam Ashley Report
The Prime Minister ponders another question hurled in across the Beehive Theatrette – Scoop Image late 2006
The Government's draft energy strategy, which proposes that as much new electricity generation as possible should be renewable was released today. Keeping with the green flavour that has infested Parliament in the last few months the PM's regular post cabinet cpress conference kicked off with questions on just how New Zealand was going to achieve carbon neutrality. The Prime Minister outlined her views on keeping NZ carbon neutral – none of which however included the grinch like proposals of turning off the pretty Christmas displays in various Beehive Ministers offices. The vexed question of animals and their propensity for emitting methane was also covered.
Later in the press conference the report into the murder of teenager Liam Ashley while in the care of private security firm Chubb was also discussed.

Scoop Streaming Audio: PM's post-cabinet press conference, 11/12/06
Click here to download file (mp3)

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