95bFM: The Wednesday Wire with Paul Deady
95bFM: The Wednesday Wire with Paul Deady

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12:15 - Huw Stephens, BBC Radio
1 and Bruce Kirkland, Tsunami Entertainment
The NZ Music Industry Commission starts its Warrant of Fitness Seminars today, giving local musicians expert advice on how to export their music. Two of the guest speakers join Paul in the studio - Huw Stephens, host of the OneMusic show on a small station called BBC Radio 1, and their youngest ever host. And Bruce Kirkland, president and founder of Tsunami Entertainment whose clients include bands like the Dandy Warhols, companies like Sony, and brands like the Beatles. They'll be talking about the radio climate, particularly music radio, as it relates to the internet.
12.45 -
Tim Fulcher, Group3 Technologies
The ITER project is a joint effort from the world's biggest countries to produce energy from nuclear fusion. This is incredibly hard to do, but could potentially solve a number of the world's more pressing energy concerns - dwindling fossil fuel reserves and the need to reduce carbon emmissions. Construction has begun in France, and the project could last for 50 years. Paul speaks with Tim Fulcher from Group3 Technologies, a New Zealand company that wants in.
1.15 - Gordon
Last night the Bruce Jesson Memorial lecture was delivered by Gordon Campbell up here at Auckland University. The lecture was a bit of a slap on the wrists for both the media and politicians alike, as Gordon talked about the worrying trends in both of those areas towards personalisation, tabloidisation and commercialisation.
1.45 - Regan Cunliffe, throng.co.nz
Regan Cunliffe, along with his wife Rachel, recently launched a website called throng.co.nz. It got not one but two mad props from the Listener this week, who called it a portal for anything TV-related.