95bFM: The Wednesday Wire with Alice Murray
95bFM: The Wednesday Wire with Alice Murray
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12:00 News with Amelia
12:10 AUSA report with Dan Bidois
12:40 Dr Elizabeth Fassman, Faculty of Engineering at Auckland University
Researchers from the Auckland Uni's Faculty of Engineering have turned the roof of their building into a giant garden. They're trying to find out how effective 'green roofs' are in reducing stormwater pollution. They've planted 3,600 plants, to see whether they can effectively reduce stormwater runoff. Sean Grattan (from the Jazz show) joins project leader Dr Elizabeth Fassman up on the roof for a wee look.
1:00 Samantha Hayes, Handle the Jandal
Voting has just closed for the 2006 Handle the Jandal DIY Music Video Awards. The awards are put on each year by bNet station Radio Active in Wellington. It's a competition for amateur and professional filmmakers to make music videos for local bands… with one condition – all videos must be completely self-funded and can only use New Zealand music. The awards are being held tonight at the Embassy Theatre in Wellington.
1.20pm Garry Reef – Campaign Manager at Amnesty New Zealand on the conflict in Darfur
The conflict in Darfur began in early in 2003 when a rebel group began attacking government targets. They said the region was being neglected by the Arab-led Khartoum government. Rebels say the government is oppressing black Africans in favour of Arabs. The government admits mobilising "self-defence militias", but denies any links to the Janjaweed, who're accused of trying to "cleanse" black Africans from large areas of territory. The UN has stopped short of calling it genocide, others haven't been so restrained.
1.40pm Steve Hoadley – Associate Professor of Political Studies at Auckland University.
Military leaders in Thailand say they've overthrown the country's Prime Minister, in a coup which took place overnight New Zealand time. Soldiers have seized government offices and taken up strategic positions around Bangkok. Parliament and the constitution have been suspended, and t he army sez their head, Genderal Sonthi Boonyaratglin, will assume prime ministerial powers. But The Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra, who is at the UN in New York, sez his government is still in control. Steve Hoadley – Associate Professor of Political Studies at Auckland University, will tell us a bit more about what's going on.