95bFM: The Wednesday Wire with Alice Murray
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12.00 News and Weather
12.20 Paul Chong – President, Otago University Students’ Association
The University of Otago has just adopted a tough new code of conduct for students. The University’s council decided yesterday to include the code in its disciplinary regulations from next year. There’s been intense debate over the new code and the student’s association is not happy – they’re taking the uni to court.
1.20 Sue Kedgley – Green Party and Chair of the Health Select Committee
The government’s Health Select Committee is currently carrying out an inquiry into obesity and type two diabetes. Last week, the two favourite targets of anti-obesity campaigners – McDonalds and Coca-Cola – appeared before the committee. They say there’s little evidence that restrictions on their products and advertising would reduce obesity rates. Sue Kedgley of the Greens, who’s chairing the committee joins me on the line now to talk about fast food and fatties…
1.45 Jane Millichip, Managing Director of South Pacific Pictures
Shortland Street’s production company has gone carbon-neutral. Last year they took part in Greening the Screen, a pilot study run by Landcare Research that audited environmental practices in the television and motion-picture industries. Jane Millichip tells us a bit more about what ‘going green’ means…