Scoop Audio: PM's Presser - More
Election Spending Plus 9/11

The issues surrounding the election and the way the Exclusive Brethren was able to kick in a million or so dollars to smear Labour and parties likely to support Labour (the Greens) just prior to the 2005 election dominated the the Prime Minister's regular post cabinet press conference.
For those heartily sick of hearing the words 'Auditor-General's (draft) report' and 'campaign spending limit' the impact of the 9/11 attacks and the subsequent invasion by the United States of the non-Al Qaeda supporting sovereign nation of Iraq were the other major topics of conversation. According to the Prime Minister the invasion of Iraq had definitely not made the world a safer place.
Listen to the PM and the media discuss election funding, the Exclusive Brethren and whether or not the world is safer now following the US invasion of Iraq: