95bFM: The Wednesday Wire with José Barbosa
95bFM: The Wednesday Wire with José Barbosa

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12:00 News with Sarah, Weather, Surf.
12:15 The AUSA Report with AUSA President Dan.
12:40 Antony Ernest, artistic administrator Auckland Philharmonia Orchestra.
Electronica act Shapeshifter are to launch their new album with a collaboration with the Auckland Philharmonia. The APO has usually worked with more established mainstream acts like Dave Dobbyn, and Antony will give the hows and whys.
1:15 David Kilgour
Allegations are growing that the Chinese Government is harvesting organs using Falun Gong parishioners. David Kilgour, a former member of the Canadian Parliament, has co-authored a report on the practice and tried to gather evidence that this is happening.
1:45 Paul Norris, Head of the School of Broadcasting
TV3 has been banned from filming in the Parliamentary chamber for showing footage of MP Ron Mark pulling the fingers. TV3 News says the rules are arcane and need to be changed. Paul Norris will explain what the rules currently and discuss if they in fact do need to be overhauled.