PM Pleads For Peace In Mid-East And Close To Home

Published: Mon 24 Jul 2006 08:12 PM
Audio: PM Pleads For Peace In Mid-East And Close To Home
The Prime Minister in the process of interacting with the media in the Beehive Theatrette 24 July 2006
After being questioned for some minutes by Newstalk ZB's Barry Soper regarding a spat Mr Soper was involved in with New Zealand's Foreign Minister Winston Peters the Prime Minister suggested that relations between some members of the press gallery and Mr Peters should be repaired in a manner befitting "mature adults".
The PM's view of what various representatives of the news media regarded as the most pressing issue of the week was that it was "a petty spat regarding where and when questions should be asked."
Following nearly a dozen questions in a row from Mr Soper regarding his contretemps in Washington DC with Mr Peters the PM suggested that Newstalk ZB's senior journalist go and deal with the issue in a press conference organised by Mr Peters.
See... Round Two: Peters Versus Soper 'n' TVNZ
A large contingent of the press gallery departed midway through the PM's press conference in order that they may enjoy round two of Peters VS Soper.
Besides sour media relations between NZ 's Foreign Minister and some members the press gallery the PM took questions on issues surrounding current Labour backbencher and former Cabinet Minister Taito Philip Field.
Earlier on in the press conference the PM explained that the NZ Government was strongly supporting the efforts of the UN Secretary General to bring about an immediate cease-fire to the conflict in the Middle East.
In a press statement released at the start of the PM's press conference the Prime Minister criticised the actions of Hezbollah in firing rockets at Northern Israel while also noting that NZ did not accept that Israel had acted with due proportionality or caution to border incursions and missile attacks launched upon it.
As of 24 July 2006 peace in the Middle East and between Mr Peters and certain sections of the NZ media remains a long way off.
Listen to the PM's attempts at brokering peace in a troubled world

Scoop Streaming Audio: PM's post cabinet press conference 24 July 2006
Click here to download file (mp3)

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