RDU Audio: Kevin List and Wammo Scoop's News Roundup
Audio: Kevin List and Wammo on RDU discuss: Maori Party co-leader Dr Pita Sharples has pulled his support for Dr Wayne Mapp's controversial Bill; Japan's schools for whales programme; Another example of bad journalism - this time in the listener; getting the facts straight with John Key, When can we ride the gravy train?
RDU Audio: Scoop's Kevin List and RDU's
Wammo discuss: Maori Party co-leader Sharples pulls
support for Mapp Bill; Japan's whales programme; Bad
journalism in the listener; Getting the facts straight with
John Key.
Wammo has launched a podcast…

ALSO: Tune into RDU Mornings
Wammo 6am till 10am weekdays - RDU
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