The Wednesday Wire Hosted By José Barbosa
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The Wednesday Wire hosted by José Barbosa
12:00 News with Sarah, weather, surf report.
12:15 AUSA Report with Dan
12:30 Dr Paul
He'll be talking about the recent deportation of
a Yemini man. Apparently he was kicked out because he was an
associate of Hani Hanjour, the pilot who flew the airliner
into the Pentagon on 911, but the Government won't confirm
that. Paul is questioning why he was allowed into the
country in the first place. He sez the SIS was clueless
about Ali.
1:00 Tim Selwyn
Tim was found guilty of
sedition last week. You'll remember he chucked an axe
through the window of Helen Clark's electorate office last
year and distributed leaflets which, say the crown, called
on the public to do the same. We have Tim Selwyn on the line
to discuss the case.
1:30 Imogen Neale
Reporting live
from the Singapore Arts Festival
Ryan Sproull,
editor of Craccum, in studio to discuss the issues of the