Scoop Launches Audio and Video Podcast Feed
Copy this url & paste it into your podcast software's 'subscribe to
podcast' field (usually within the advanced
Scoop has launched its audio and video podcast feed providing Scoopers with the latest and best way to stay ahead of other media and remain in-the-know. The great thing about the podcast is it allows you to listen and view the media at a time that's convenient to you.
The Scoop podcast features news, views, and
interviews on almost all topics including audio and video
created in-house by Scoop and by our friends and radio
partners here in NZ and around the globe - and you get to
choose what items you want to play.
Here you will find Scoop's main podcast feed which is the best place to update Scoop's podcast index with your audio or video aggregators. This feed updates to include at least the last 15 days worth of Scoop multimedia.
The media (audio and video) contained in this podcast is the best available for most people and includes audio mp3 format, progressive .mov video format, and mpeg4 compatible video and ACC compatible audio.
This feed also meets the iTunes RSS specifications and is customized to work with leading podcast players like iTunes and Juice. If your pod software has an update, this Scoop podcast feed will update first to reflect the change. With your iPod hooked up to your computer and iTunes set to automatically download new audio or videos from Scoop, you can always get the latest Scoop audio and video on your iPod without having to do anything at all with this feed.
and paste it into your podcast software's 'subscribe to podcast' field (usually within the advanced menu).
Need free podcasting software? Check out:
Juice open source cross platform
application(formerly ipodder) or the popular Apple
itunes cross platform
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