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Israel’s Right to Exist a Question of Legitimacy

Israel’s “Right” to Exist is a Question of Legitimacy

By Genevieve Cora Fraser

“For thousands of years, we Jews have been nourished and sustained by a yearning for our historic land. I, like many others, was raised with a deep conviction that the day would never come when we would have to relinquish parts of the land of our forefathers. I believed, and to this day still believe, in our people's eternal and historic right to this entire land.”
- Address by Prime Minister Ehud Olmert to Joint meeting of US Congress, May 24, 2006

In 1947, the United Nations arrogantly attempted to give away Palestine by floating the non-binding Resolution 181, but though it was accepted by the General Assembly, the resolution was not accepted by both parties which was legally necessary for the General Assembly's recommendations to be implemented. If it had been it would have prepared the foundation for the creation in Palestine of an Arab state and a Jewish state, and as a result would have terminated the Mandate for Palestine. However, the Arab nations voted in a block against it and were joined by others. Altogether thirteen nations, Afghanistan, Cuba, Egypt, Greece, India, Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Turkey, and Yemen voted against it. Ten nations, Argentina, Chile, China, Colombia, El Salvador, Ethiopia, Honduras, Mexico, the United Kingdom, and Yugoslavia abstained. Following the resolution’s rejection by the Arabs, over 65,000 well-trained Zionist forces, led by Jewish terrorists gangs, Irgun, Stern and others - with 12 million dollars worth of armaments, stormed Palestine and were met by 2,5000 Palestinian militia with antiquated weapons - i.e., Al Nakba.

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Following the take-over of Palestine, UN Resolution 194 mandated Israel to accept the Palestinian “Right to Return” to their homes “and that compensation should be paid for the property of those choosing not to return and for loss of or damage to property." That too was ignored and Israel's legitimacy hung on it. And then came the 6 Day War which resulted in the Occupation, the complete take-over of what remained of historic Palestine – and the fulfillment of the Zionist claim to their so-called 2,000 year old Biblical Birthright.

It is a serious violation of international law to acquire territory by force. Indeed, the case against the Nazis during the Nuremburg Trials asserted that they “acquired other territories inhabited by so-called "racial Germans” and acquired “still further territories said to be needed as living space by the racial Germans so incorporated-all at the expense of neighboring and other countries.” This indictment echoes the Zionist/Israel defense of its claim to historic Palestine by “racial Jews” and its subsequent actions which include hundreds, if not thousands, of crimes against humanity, such as their non-stop deadly raids into Gaza and the West Bank, hundreds of checkpoints and roadblocks, the illegal construction of the racist, Apartheid Wall and the current ethnic cleansing of Arab Israeli citizens within the Negev.

The basic fact is Israel was created in violation of international law and remains so. Israel’s illegitimacy is the point that Hamas asserts and which the world is starving and economically boycotting the Palestinians to force them to reject - by demanding they recognize “Israel’s Right to Exist.” (These tactics also violate international law – threatening genocide to force Palestinians to accept what is false.) Has any other nation on the planet gone to such lengths to get a group to recognize their right to exist? If Israel was comfortable with their claims of legitimacy, Hamas’ stance would be a non-issue, a joke to be ignored. But Hamas persists in not recognizing this "Right" - which has little to do with "wiping them off the face of the earth," and everything to do with recognizing their legitimacy.

Israel takes the Hamas threat so seriously that Olmert is risking what until now has been sacrosanct, Israel’s security, by arming Fateh, the party of their former nemesis, Arafat. The further irony is that Hamas has posed NO security risk to Israel in over 16 months, since declaring and abiding by the truce which Israel has broken thousands and thousands of times with non-stop shelling of Gaza and incursions into the West Bank resulting in hundreds of Palestinian lives lost and thousands of injuries. Blockading entry to Gaza and deprivation of food and medicine and the financial boycott of Palestine - which has also led to starvation and violence - is another example of Israel’s as well as America’s and the EU’s violation of Article 33 of the Forth Geneva Convention prohibiting collective punishment and attempted genocide. Meanwhile, Fateh continues lobbing Quassam rockets into Israel and creating chaos within Gaza and the West Bank. Yet, it is Fateh that is being armed by Israel. So who’s kidding who?

Israel is “de facto” - it exists in fact and has been "recognized" by nations across the globe but that does not change the fact that it operates outside of international law - as is obvious to all who pay attention. The solution is for Israel to operate within the law through a One State Solution. But Zionists reject the obvious solution. Instead they implement the propaganda strategy which emphasizes their so-called Biblical Birthright and their g-d given right to exist as a Jewish state. Somehow these claims are supposed to convey legitimacy. But it is all a great hoax.

Based on scholarship, widely publicized in books such as Arthur Koestler’s “The Thirteenth Tribe,” historic records demonstrate that the Ashkenazi Jews converted and are not descendants of the ancient Hebrews. This is backed by DNA analysis which has consistently demonstrated that they are not a so-called Diaspora. One recent study involved over 1,000 Ashkenazi Jews in 67 countries. Over 60% had NO Middle Eastern ancestry. The remaining 40% showed genetic markers indicating that four women of Middle Eastern descent had entered the Ashkenazi gene pool over a two thousand year period. Four women doeth not a Diaspora make and given the time period involved they could very well have been Christian or Muslim. Yet, Israeli leaders and too many Jews throughout the world speak of their 3,000 year history, ignoring the Palestinians whose history they pretend is their own.

Israel was born through the actions of Zionist terrorist organizations and is still led by criminal elements. Today, the Israeli appetite and trade in marijuana, cocaine, heroine and hashish may be brushed off as a sign of the times. But Israeli drug lords control the global market on Ecstasy which causes permanent, irreversible brain damage. The Boston Globe recently reported, “To avoid detection, one Israeli criminal group enlisted ultra-Orthodox Hasidic Jews from Brooklyn and Monsey, N.Y., to bring shipments of Ecstasy into the United States. With their traditional black hats, black coats and locks of hair dangling around their ears, the Hasidic Jews looked like unlikely suspects.”

The Israeli crime rate in human trafficking is among the highest in the world. They are listed by America as “second tier” only because in recent years, there have been marginal efforts to do something about it. Over 10,000 women have been brought into Israel and forced into sexual bondage, according to reports in the BBC, the Forward, Ynetnews, the Associated Press and other news organizations. This industry is reputed to bring in over a billion US dollars a year. In fact, only a few months ago, in March 2006 the Israeli High Court overturned an Israeli law that facilitated slavery. Granted, if the new law prohibiting slavery is enforced, it should help to offset the prostitution industry in Israel and their international export of sex slaves. Last year, commenting on the sexual slavery market within Israel, an Israeli Parliamentary Inquiry Committee reported, “some 10,000 such women currently reside in about 300 to 400 brothels throughout the country.”

The Israeli Kav LaOved Newsletter reported in 2004, in an article entitled, The legal battle against the binding arrangement, “The State of Israel is involved both directly and indirectly in turning foreign workers – who entered the country legally – into victims of trafficking in persons, as defined in the proposed legislation. The view of migrant workers in Israel as the employers' property is reflected above all (in) the "binding arrangement" which makes the worker the employer's slave.”

“The binding arrangement is based on Section 6 of the Entry To Israel Law, 1952. Under this section, the Interior Minister has the power ‘to stipulate conditions in a visa or in a residence permit, compliance with which shall be a condition for the validity of the visit or the residence permit’. As this arrangement is applied by the Interior Ministry, the work permit belongs not to the worker but to the employer; the worker is in fact bound or fettered to the specific employer whose name is stamped in his passport. Such binding to an employer is an imperative condition for the worker's legal status in Israel.”

In addition to human and drug trafficking, Israel is also replete with maintaining the best politicians that money can buy. Prior to his debilitating stroke, Sharon and his sons were plagued by corruption scandals and threats of indictments. Corruption is also frequently linked to Peres and Olmert to name a few.

Isn’t it time for the world to stop pussyfooting around the basic fact. Israel is not legitimate and will not be until they accept Palestinians as belonging in the whole of historic Palestine with full rights as citizens. Palestinians must also be compensated for the 68 years of theft and bloodshed for which the aggressor is responsible - namely, Israel. And though I support a Two State Solution as realistic until the parties in the conflict can reconcile; only a One State Solution would bring a guarantee of peace within the region.


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