The Tuesday Wire with Noelle McCarthy
95bFM: The Tuesday Wire with Noelle McCarthy
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12.00 bNews with Will. Weather and Surf.
12.15 Henry Acland. Auckland University.
safe are foreign troops in East Timor?
12.30 Finlay Mc
Ex-bFM alumnus Finlay returns for more
commentation and current affairs musing. If you remember him
from Hugh Sundae's Breakfast you'll know what to
12.45 Rodney Skager.
Emeritus Professor,
University of California
Professor Skager is in New
Zealand to speak at the Second Annual Policy Roundtable on
Drugs and Young People.
His specialist topic is zero
tolerance and why the policy doesn't work when it comes to
drugs and young people.
1.00 Arts Hole. With Pocky.
The Green Desk
With Green Dean.
1.45 The Magazine
Starring Kris Berger this week. Thanks