Audio: Sogavare, Opposition Candidate for PM
Scoop Audio: Manasseh Sogavare,
Opposition Candidate for Solomons
Interview by Yasmine Ryan
Image by Jason Dorday
From Assignment in Honiara
Audio: Manasseh Sogavare is the sole candidate nominated
by the Opposition for the role of Prime Minister. He
believes he has the numbers to win the vote on Thursday 4
May. As John Roughan points out, Sogavare’s track record
when he last held the position is not glowing (June
2000-December-2001): he led a government which attempted to
change the Constitution to extend their term by a year.
The MP denies that he crossed the floor on Wednesday, an action which forced Rini to resign, out of a desire to become PM again. Sogavare also downplayed the issue of corruption, although he asserted that it would be taken seriously.