Public Add. 9/12: 1 More to the Big Shiny Machine

Published: Fri 9 Dec 2005 04:30 PM
PUBLIC ADDRESS 09/12/05 - One More to the Big Shiny Machine
One for the road ... | Dec 09, 2005 10:47
Russell Brown's Hard News
Righto. This is it: no more coffee posts after today's 4000-odd words. Apart from anything else, editing up your celebrations and laments keeps taking me over my two-cups-a-day limit. But damn, it's been a thing, hasn't it? So, once more to the big shiny machine …,
Storytime | Dec 08, 2005 19:00
Damian Christie - Cracker With Attitude
Okay, so I got a few stories from you eventually, and the results are interesting. Out of 10 contributions, two are about m**turb*tion, a few involve illegal activities and one has a papier-mache volcano...,
Dearly Departed | Dec 08, 2005 18:02
Che Tibby's view from Wellington
I think quite a bit about what it's like to grow up in a small place. The expectations people you know place on you, and the way in which all your actions have these unforeseen consequences...,
His master's voice | Dec 08, 2005 16:17
David Slack on his own account
Sandy, when you've tidied this up, send it over to Licke, Spitte, Polish and Spin to give it the usual gussying up, then send it to the Minister, but for God's sake don't let them change it too much...,

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