Public Address 20/09/05 - Voters And Victors

Published: Tue 20 Sep 2005 03:01 PM
PUBLIC ADDRESS 20/09/05 - Voters and victors
Looking like a winner | Sep 20, 2005 10:20
Russell Brown's Hard News
A good part of looking like a winner is acting like a winner, and as John Armstrong says today, Helen Clark is wasting no time doing that. Lots of handshakes and hongi, and a very clear intention to project a sense of business being carried on...,
All The Pretty Voters | Sep 20, 2005 09:00
David Slack on his own account
Here's a test for you: in all the First Past the Post elections since 1935, what was the lowest percentage of the vote required for a party to win office? The answer is 35.05%. It was 1993...,
Tired Old Warhorses | Sep 19, 2005 17:12
Che Tibby's view from Wellington
Noticing this afternoon that none of the other PA bloggers had gotten in to do an election post-mortem I thought I'd put my hand up. Naturally there's no government yet, but there are still perhaps some lessons to be gleaned from the results as they stand...,
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